
Park Picnic Table





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Buhl, ID

Total Budget: $1,500

Area of Focus: Community economic development

Activity Type: Community Development: General

Summary: Picnic table for city park in Buhl, Idaho

We want to provide a picnic table to go under a covered area in the city park. This table will be beside an existing play structure. City officials have expressed a need for a table near the play structure, so parents will have a place to provide close supervision for their children. There are other picnic areas in the park, but they are not near the play structure. Parents, caregivers and children will have a fun, safe and enjoyable area to gather for social and physical health.

Addendum to Project Description (added after the project was signed)

The Buhl Rotary Club will order and assemble the picnic table, anchor it to the designated area, and be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the table.

Project Contact Person

District: 5400

Rotary Club of: Buhl

Primary Contact: Jana Rodgers

Email: janarodgers@bluesageinvestments.com

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2022-23 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Buhl (5400)









Project Supporting Documents

Final Report

Receipt - Picnic table


Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Marianne Barker

Rotary Foundation district grants require "active Rotarian participation" Add to your project description a brief statement of what the Rotarians will be doing - beyond paying for a picnic table. Call Marianne if you need help, 208 308-5617


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Jana Rodgers

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Jana Rodgers

System Entry: Project signed by Jana Rodgers.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Pamela McClain.


by Marianne Barker

Your project description does not include how Rotarians would be "actively involved" in the project. Please add a statement to your description to inform the committee what Rotarians will be doing (besides providing the club's portion of the funding)


by Marianne Barker

Your district grant project has been included in D5400's block grant application to The Rotary Foundation. It is not yet approved. Do not place orders or spend money on the project until you hear from the district that TRF has approved our block grant (likely sometime this month), as you cannot be reimbursed for expenses incurred prior to TRF approval. Call Marianne Barker at 208 308-5617 if you have any questions. Thank you!


by Marianne Barker

The Rotary Foundation approved the District 5400 block grant on July 7, 2022. You can safely incur costs now. Your grant award will be available as soon as the block grant is funded by TRF; however, we need you to file the addendum to your application as explained in an email to you on 6/24/22, before we can send your money. Thanks for completing this important task. If you have questions or need help, please contact Marianne Barker at (208) 308-5617


by Marianne Barker

This is a second email. I neglected to add this condition to the first one, and it is that we can't fund this grant until you've completed the work and filed with us your final report on grant #P3395. Thanks for wrapping up this project from 2020-21. District grant projects have just a 2-year time frame in which to be completed, per the Terms & Conditions for Rotary Foundation grants.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Marianne Barker

Has this project been completed? If so, please upload your final report along with receipts and any other supporting documents to the documents folder in your grant, and click "reported". The report form can be found on the administration side of the description tab in your grant. Thank you!


by Marianne Barker

A grant report is due no later than May 15th, 2023. Failure to report by the deadline may impact your club's ability to receive a grant in 2023-24 Rotary year. For final report, download the report form from the administration side of the description tab. Fill it out, being sure that the expenses listed in the report match your receipts and any other documentation of expenses you provide. Upload pdf copies of your report and the receipts to the documents tab of your grant. Then click "reported", a button on the administration side of the description tab. If the project is not done, file a progress report - a history log telling us when you started the project, what % complete you are & when you plan to finish it out. Call Marianne 208 308-5617 if you have questions about reporting.


by Jana Rodgers

Picnic table has been ordered and delivered. Waiting on okay from City of Buhl and warmer/drier weather conditions to assemble and place at Eastman Park. Expected time of completion of project is May 1, 2023.


by Jana Rodgers

Park Picnic Table Project is completed. The actual cost of the picnic table is $104.87 less than the original estimated cost. We were able to cut shipping/handling costs by providing our own forklift and unloading the shipment ourselves.


by Marianne Barker

Sounds like you're finished with the project and need to do a final report. As long as you've spent at least 92% of the project financing amount, you're fine. For final report, download the report form from the administration side of the description tab. Fill it out, being sure that the expenses listed in the report match your receipts. Enter the full amount of DDF in your report, adjusting the club contribution to have the revenue match the total expense. Upload a pdf copy of your report to the documents tab of your grant. Then click "reported", a button on the administration side of the description tab.


by Jana Rodgers

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


by Bob Rose

I have audited this project and I approve it.


by Bob Rose

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

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