
Afghani Refugees





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Total Budget: $450

Area of Focus: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention

Activity Type: Peace: General

Summary: The purpose of this project is to provide for some basic needs for newly immigrated Afghani refugees in Colorado.

Project Description:

Since 2021, the United States has evacuated nearly 100,000 Afghani refugees at the conclusion of our war on terror in Afghanistan. Many of these refugees worked for the U.S. government during the war and are targets for the Taliban. This evacuation was part of the U.S. "Operation Allies Refuge." According to Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, "Current and former Afghan translators, interpreters, and others who have worked with the US government in Afghanistan are facing deadly danger as the US drawdown continues and the Taliban reclaims territory once controlled by Afghan and coalition forces. The Special Immigrant Visa, or SIV, program allows Afghans who work or worked "by or on behalf of the U.S. government in Afghanistan," as well as family members, to qualify for visas and lawful permanent resident status in the US" (https://www.lfsrm.org/afghan-refugees/).

There are many Afghani refugees who have recently immigrated through the immigrant and refugee center in the Colorado Springs area. Our club has offered local support in the last year with modest needs of some of these refugees, including purchasing small kitchen appliances and cookware, and we would like to continue doing more.

Describe the benefit to the community and/or improve lives:

This project will primarily support the area of focus of Rotary International of Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention. Providing essential resources for 1-2 local refugee families displaced as a result of conflict will help them provide for some basic needs for their children and spouses.


We have established relationships in the Colorado Springs area within the past year to identify and support a couple of Afghani families who have recently immigrated to the U.S. We will seek to continue to build relationships with organizations, such as Lutheran Family Services, to ensure our support goes to families in need and that these refugee families have a local network of support.

Active Rotarian Involvement:

The Greeley Centennial Rotary Club has been active in collaborating with agencies in Colorado Springs to understand the current needs, educate our club members, and provide support to help the refugees successfully transition to their new lives in the U.S.

Total Project Budget: $450

$450 from the Greeley Centennial Rotary and the 5440 District, consisting of $150 club dollars with matching funds of $300 from our district.

Publicity Plan:

Greeley Centennial Rotary will write an article as the project progresses updating both the club membership and District 5440. It is our hope that we'll be able to travel to Colorado Springs 2022-2023 to collaborate with immigration services and or meet the families. We will submit the article to the local newspapers in Greeley and Colorado Springs. Twice annually, our World Community Service Committee reports to our club on project progress.

Project Contact Person

District: 5440

Rotary Club of: Greeley (Centennial)

Primary Contact: Matt Thompson

Email: mthompson@greeleyschools.org

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2022-23 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Greeley (Centennial) (5440)









Project Supporting Documents

Afghani Refugees Budget

Final Report

Revised Budget 12.10.23


Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Matt Thompson

Local grant submitted for 5440 Governor's Grant cycle, October 2022. Project 2 of 2.


by Matt Thompson

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Matt Thompson

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Matt Thompson

System Entry: Project signed by Matt Thompson.


by Susan Koon

System Entry: Project signed by Susan Koon.


by Randall J Looper

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Randall J Looper

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Randall J Looper


Please provide a quarterly history log update as to the status of this project.


by Matt Thompson

We have already begun providing support through this project by purchasing pillows and other essential items. The grant should be fulfilled within the coming weeks, and we will be completing the final report in spring 2023.


by Randall J Looper


Please provide a quarterly history log update as to the status of this project.



by Matt Thompson

We have nearly exhausted our grant dollars and are collaborating with our contact at Lutheran Family Services in Colorado Springs to finalize the project, acquire pictures, and write our final report.


by Randall J Looper


If this project is done please compltete the district grant report and upload it along with copies of the receipts.



by Matt Thompson

We have had no communication back during the last few months with our community partner. We believe there may have been an employment change with our contact. We are working diligently to re-establish contact and should have our grant dollars fully used in the near future. We will upload a final report, pictures, and receipts at that time.


by Matt Thompson

Quarterly Update: committee members continue to work to re-establish contact with LFSRM in Colorado Springs.


by Matt Thompson

Submitted final report, revised budget, receipts and pictures for approval.


by Randall J Looper

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


by Randall J Looper

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

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