Areas of Focus: Maternal and child health, Basic education and literacy, Community economic development
Activity Type:
Community Development: Construction/Renovation
Summary: SITKA
The "Kids Don't Float" life jacket loaner "board" at Swan Lake in the middle of Sitka has been "orphaned"- it was installed when boards were also installed at the harbors, but the organization that manages the boards at the harbors insists that they have not/do not/and will not manage the board at Swan Lake. The lake is heavily used for swimming and canoeing in the Summer months, including during the Sitka Rotary Club's Kids Fishing Day in May. Also, although there are "Kids Don't Float" loaner boards at the harbors and at Swan Lake, there is no educational program about life jackets in the schools.
The Sitka Rotary Club will take over the management of the Swan Lake "Kids Don't Float" life jacket loaner board at Swan Lake- starting with repairs/remodeling of the board (in Sitka they are all actually cabinets) and installation of additional signage including Rotary information, followed by maintaining the supply of life jackets at the board. The Club will also make two educational presentations a year about "Kids Don't Float", including providing handouts about the program.
This project is "Paid". This means that the funds from the district have been issued. This project is now being ready for implementation. When this is done, a report needs to be uploaded on the project page and the "Reported" button needs to be clicked, then the status of the project will be changed to "Reported".
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
by Debra Mason
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.
by Daniel Glenn Jones
This project was scheduled to begin in August 2023, with additional activities in March and June 2024. The August activities (before wet weather and possible lake freezing) were to rehabilitate the existing equipment and provide new float coats. It was not completed. These activities, in addition to system maintenance and educational work in the schools, will be completed in March along with the work scheduled for March.
by Daniel Glenn Jones
The project has been completed, except for ongoing operation and maintenance. Some cost items were donated locally, and others could not be obtained, making total expenditures $136.25 less than budgeted. Please advise if Sitka should send a check for the District's half ($68.13) of this under spending. Once this question has been answered, Sitka will consider the grant completed and closed.