Anchorage Midtown Rotary Club wishes to support the needs of The Great Alaska Council BSA Camp Gorsuch Boy Scout Camp health lodge/first aid station with equipment to meet the health requirements of all youth and adult participants and non-scout groups utilizing the facility.
The camp provides "around-the-clock" basic medical care by a highly qualified Camp Health Officer with several years' experience at the location. However, the current health lodge needs upgrading to meet standards. The club wants to help acquire sufficient supplies, locked cabinets for medical supplies (dry and cold), privacy furnishings, health-care area-fully equipped, and office furniture with secure storage of records.
The on-site Camp Health officer also needs appropriate sleeping and wardrobe equipment, upgraded communications equipment, and supplies to support a training area.
The Club Treasurer signs all checks for disbursement of grant funds. A separate club member who is in charge of thneeds e grant, must sign / approve the voucher authorizing disbursement of funds from the grant. The grant reporting will be done by another Club member who neither authorized disbursement nor signed checks disbursing grant funds. A separate ledger will be kept for the District Grant.