
Smart Art and Peace





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Chicago, IL

Total Budget: $12,000

Areas of Focus: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention, Basic education and literacy

Activity Type: Education: General

Summary: Educating Chicago inner city children about art as a way to increase peace, through visits to the Smart Art Museum and classroom instuctionon on art by an artist.

There is increased need for decreasing violence with Chicago's youth. This project will teach inner city elementary students an alternative way to deal with anger through art. The project will be for the 2023-2024 school year. Project funds will be used for paying the artists that are instructing the students, busses to the Smart Art museum from the schools, art supplies for the classroom, and a meal for the students at the end of their final visit to the Smart Art Museum. The students will visit the Smart Ar Museum and be instructed by docents at the beginning. They will then have six weeks of art instruction at their school by an Artist, including instruction on art and peace. After the classroom instruction is complete, they will return to the Smart Art Museum. They will have a chance to display their art at the museum. They will also have a lunch provided. Rotary club members will be present to help on their visits to the museum and when classroom instruction is being provieded. Our goal is to have six classrooms participate in 2023-2024 school year.

We have been having difficulty returning to the classrooms due to the pandemic. Therefore, we want to adapt the curricula to be able to present information virtually. This would allow us to expand to other cities and counties that have Rotary Clubs with whom we can partner. This is our ultimate goal.

Our projected cost for artists, classroom supplies, busses and meal is $2000 per class times six classes is $12,000.

Club member involvement is:

Four members for six one hour visit to the class to provide assistance during instruction 24 hours

Four members for two two hour visits to assist at The Smart Art Museum 16 hours

Addendum to Project Description (added after the project was signed)

Reimbursement for participation in the FY23-24 Rotary Smart Art Project for Beethoven School.

Smart Museum Tours for two classrooms. Six week of in-classroom lessons for two classrooms. Capstone event preparation, including preparation of an "Art Exhibit"of museum quality labels for sculpture pieces, tour of Logan Center. Serving lunch and Clean up. Ordering supplies and busses. Scheduling program and interfacing with teachers.

Total Direct Labor Cost: $9,800: Teaching Artists (2), Public Practice Intern (1). Less One-Time Discount extended by the Smart Art Museum: ($4,800). Total Direct Labor Reimbursement Amount: $5,000.

Expenses for Smart Art Beethoven School 4th and 5th Grade Classes: Expenses for Transportation, Art Supplies and Capstone Event. Pizza $470.75; Transportation for art instructors to and from school $137.51, Supplies $472.52; Bus for Students $1476.00; Printing $90.00. Total $7646.78. 3 Rotarians 3 times packing art supplies and 3 Rotarians assisting at Capstone event.

Project Contact Person

District: 6450

Rotary Club of: Chicago Financial District

Primary Contact: Debora Willage

Email: deborawillage@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Chicago Financial District (6450)









Project Supporting Documents

Final Report

Proof of Payment #1

Proof of Payment #2


Project Photos

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History Log Entries


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Karen Swinger

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Debora Willage

System Entry: Project signed by Debora Willage.


by Marshall Schmitt

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Linda Yates

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Debora Willage

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


by Bill Lyman

Stewardship review is complete. Meets all necessary criteria. Final report reviewed. Project okay to be approved by District Approval Committee. WL&MD


by Marshall Schmitt

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

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