Activity Type:
Community Development: Volunteer Services
Summary: Rotarians, family members and friends purchase groceries, prepare and serve breakfasts and family dinners for the guests at Hesed House.
The new Rotary Club of Aurora United will provide 12 breakfasts and 6 family dinners to the guests at Hesed House during the year. We will purchase groceries, prepare and serve the meals. The breakfasts will serve 150-200 adult guests and the dinners will serve about 50 guests, parents and children. 8-10 Rotarians will provide the breakfast service. 4-5 Rotarians will provide the dinner service. We will also provide hygiene items for the "free store" as needed. Hesed House is a shelter in Aurora, IL. Its mission is to end homelessness while providing basic needs for their guests.
This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.