
Water Filter Distribtion-Mexic





History Logs

Project Description

Country: Mexico

Location: Jalisco and/or Nayarit

Total Budget: $3,690

Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene

Activity Type: Water: Sanitation

Summary: Provide funds for purchase of water filters and participate in distribution.

For several years, Puerto Vallarta Sur Rotary Club has worked with area Sawyer water filter representatives and non-profit Proyecto Aqua Limpia to identify communities lacking purified drinking water sources and to announce and organize water filter distributions. The water filters are financed by Rotarians around the world. The specific filters are Sawyer brand (sawyer.com) designed for ease of use in poor areas without access to clean drinking water and can last for up to ten or more years at a current quoted cost of $55 per filter, including bucket and assembly supplies. Access to clean water will not only improve area residents' health, it will also decrease health related school and work absenteeism, thus improving their economic well-being. In many of these areas, soda costs less than drinking water, thus there is a high incidence of obesity and diabetes, not to mention parasitic diseases.

It is our goal to provide the funds to Puerto Vallarta Sur Rotary for purchase of the filters and supplies and ideally, for some members of Foothills Rotary to travel to the area to participate in the filter distribution sometime in early 2024. We have provided funds for filters to be distributed in this area in 2017, 2019 and 2023 and we had volunteers from our club assist with the 2017 and 2019 distributions.

The Puerto Vallarta Sur Rotary Club will coordinate the project. Our contacts are Malcolm Laird, mjalaird@hotmail.com and Sandra Stolz, slstolz@hotmail.com, both of whom are residents of Puerto Vallarta and members of the Puerto Vallarta Sur Rotary club.

Addendum to Project Description (added after the project was signed)

Our water filter distribution partner Rotary Club, Puerto Vallarta Sur informed us that their project coordinators resigned. The club found new project coordinators, but we received a 2024 filter distributions report which revealed they had 450 left over filters, a 39% excess! And there were 508 filters carried over from 2023 into 2024. In addition, prior geographic targeted areas now appear to be well served with filters and new areas of need are not yet identified. Thus that project does not seem to be in great need for our donations, at least for now.

Instead, we are amending our District Matching Grant project to fund the completion of a project in Barrón Mexico. It is for a community health clinic water sanitation system plus hand washing stations, training for children and a cistern to serve the roughly 2,000 residents of Barrón, approximately 12 miles southeast of Mazatlan Mexico. Larry Salmen of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins approached us regarding the project and will be our local contact. This is a small part of a larger $100,000 project to construct and staff a community clinic in Barrón which has had and continues to have the full support of the Rotary Club of Mazatlan Norte. Partner Clubs are the Rotary Club of Casper Reveille and the Rotary Club of Loveland Thompson Valley. Several Fort Collins residents are also involved, including, of course, Larry Salmen who, this past February, met with multiple Mazatlan Norte Rotary Club officers and also visited the project site in Barrón. Our District Matching Grant will have the Rotary Club of Mazatlan Norte as our "on the ground" local club. They have successfully completed an earlier project with the Rotary Club of Fort Collins and are a trusted partner.

This water treatment segment is the final step in the larger Barrón clinic project. The clinic is already completed and staffed. Once the water sanitation part of this project is completed, Rotary clubs will have significantly improved the quality of life for Barton's 2,000 residents.

Project Contact Person

District: 5440

Rotary Club of: Fort Collins (Foothills)

Primary Contact: Ray Swanson

Email: coloradoswany@yahoo.com

Project Status

This project is "Paid". This means that the funds from the district have been issued. This project is now being ready for implementation. When this is done, a report needs to be uploaded on the project page and the "Reported" button needs to be clicked, then the status of the project will be changed to "Reported".

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Fort Collins (Foothills) (5440)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project signed by Ray Swanson.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project signed by Ray Swanson.


by Carl Dierschow

System Entry: Project signed by Carl Dierschow.


by Randall Looper


Your club is requesting 2 grants of $2540 DDF each but you only qualify for $5,000 DDF total. You need to adjust the financing on one of the grants or both so that the total of the 2 grants equals $5,000.

If you have any questions let me know.



by Carl Dierschow

Not sure what you're referring to, Randy. The only requests we have active are P-4743 and P-4683.



by Ray Swanson

A REVISED budget document is uploaded reflecting the suggested reduced district contribution. I could not figure out how to revise the budget tab of this grant page, but the old budget document is deleted and a revised one is uploaded.


by Randall Looper


You will need to change your financing to match your new budget, I cancelled the signature process so you can adjust the budget in the description area. Once you have changed the budget please start the signature process again.



by Randall Looper

System Entry: Signature Process cancelled by user.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Pledge of $1,230 with $2,460 DDF by Ray Swanson of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins (Foothills), District 5440.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Pledge of $1,230 with $2,460 DDF by Ray Swanson of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins (Foothills), District 5440.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project signed by Ray Swanson.


by Carl Dierschow

System Entry: Project signed by Carl Dierschow Rotary.


by Randall Looper

Ray, Carl, & Ruth,

I just noticed that the Rotary year entered for your grant was 22-23 not 23 - 24 so I cancelled your signatures and fixed it. I started the signature process again so please sign it again.

Thanks, Randy


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Signature Process cancelled by user.


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Ray Swanson

System Entry: Project signed by Ray Swanson.


by Carl Dierschow

System Entry: Project signed by Carl Dierschow.


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Randall Looper


Please provide a quarterly history log update as to the status of this project.


by Ray Swanson

We plan to make an appeal in March to our club for donations required for the grant. Once that is complete I will contact Malcolm Laird of the Puerto Vallarta Sur Rotary Club in order to establish a filter distribution date, ideally in January 2025.


by Ray Swanson

Fund raising email sent to Club members 7/23/24 and verbal appeal for donations made at 8/7 meeting. $400 in donations and $800 in pledges received. I believe we will have the required contributions of $1230 by the end of next week and we will forward the donations and grant money to the project finance contact ASAP thereafter.


by Randall Looper


Please provide a quarterly history log update on this project.


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