11-Jun-23 |
by Lori Garrison |
System Entry: Creation of project page.
12-Jun-23 |
by Lori Garrison |
System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".
13-Jun-23 |
by Lori Garrison |
System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 by Lori Garrison of the Rotary Club of Cheyenne, District 5440.
13-Jun-23 |
by Lori Garrison |
System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".
21-Jun-23 |
by Randall Looper |
You still need to upload a detailed budget of income & expenses to the documents area. Also, you need to complete the signature process by having yourself and your PE sign it.
22-Jun-23 |
by Lori Garrison |
System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.
22-Jun-23 |
by Lori Garrison |
System Entry: Project signed by Lori Garrison.
3-Jul-23 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
9-Aug-23 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.
15-Jan-24 |
by Randall Looper |
Please provide a quarterly history log update as to the status of this project.
16-Jan-24 |
by Lori Garrison |
A large book order was made. Books arrive in the next month. Rotarians will then sign up to make deliveries over the next few months.
8-Jun-24 |
by Randall Looper |
Please provide a quarterly history log update on this project.
Thanks, Randy
12-Jun-24 |
by Lori Garrison |
Check was presented to Raising Readers in WY from our club for $9,000.
Books were delivered to our club storage office in Cheyenne. Rotarians helped with the moving of books into the office.
Books with Bookmarks were then prepped by Rotarians and Rotaract club members in Cheyenne. The prepped books are then delivered by club members to local physician offices and our local hospital for giving to babies and children at their Well Baby or Well Child Visits.
19-Oct-24 |
by Randall Looper |
Is this project now complete. If it is please complete the District final report and upload it along with the rest of the receipts to the documents area. If it is not complete please do a history log quarterly update.
29-Oct-24 |
by Lori Garrison |
I have submitted the Raising Readers District Grant Final Report Form. All receipts are in documents and all photos have been uploaded.
29-Oct-24 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.
29-Oct-24 |
by Randall Looper |
System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.