Summary: Create Welcome Home Baskets full of housing supplies for newly housed homeless at Father Joe's Villages
The San Diego Downtown Breakfast Rotary Club has partnered with Father Joe's Villages for four years to create Welcome Home Baskets for newly housed homeless individuals and families in downtown San Diego. Baskets include about thirty items: pots, pans, utensils, other kitchen items, cleaning and laundry supplies, and various other household items. The baskets help people make their places feel like home and prepare for subsequent inspections. In February 2022 Father Joe's Villages opened a new 407-unit facility, Saint Teresa of Calcutta Villa. We would use the funds to purchase in bulk items to fill these baskets, then Rotarians work with FJ's employees and assemble the baskets at their warehouse for pickup.
This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.
System Entry: Project signed by Bobbi Spinner-Flack.
by Bobbi Spinner-Flack
Are Welcome Home Baskets Project is organized and ready to begin as soon as we have approval from the District.
by Alan Turner
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
by Dave Brooks
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.
by Bobbi Spinner-Flack
The matching funds from the District were received. The Welcome Home Basket items were ordered and delivered to Fr. Joe's Warehouse. Club members volunteered to meet at the warehouse and 72 baskets were packed and made ready for delivery to clients moving into permanent housing. The final item put into each basket was a hand-written note from our club members welcoming the recipient into their new permanent housing. We were informed by Fr. Joe's staff that this personal note was much appreciated by the recipients.
by Bobbi Spinner-Flack
System Entry: Final Report signed by Bobbi Spinner-Flack.
by Alan Turner
System Entry: Project reverted to "Paid".
by Bobbi Spinner-Flack
System Entry: Final Report signed by Bobbi Spinner-Flack.
by Alan Turner
System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.