Lwengo district socio-economic situation
Lwengo is a semi-rural district found in Central Region 193km from Kampala the capital of Uganda. Most parts of the district lie in the dry cattle corridor and hence experience prolonged periods of drought. According to 2014 National Population and Housing Census results, the population of the district is 275,450 people (48% males and 52% females). The district's major economic activities are agriculture, livestock keeping and trade with farming as the most important activity with 84% of land under agriculture. Poverty levels in the district are high; with relatively higher concentrations in Ndagwe, Kyazanga and Malongo sub-counties. These sub-counties are also more prone to erratic weather, which often results into poor agricultural production.
Lwengo district has 130 Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools, over 20 private primary schools and 30 secondary schools and 1 tertiary school. Primary school enrolment stands at 59,410 pupils of which 51.4% are female and 48.6% male pupils. The pupil to teacher ratio in the district stands at 63:1; the pupil to latrine stance ratio is 62:1; the pupil to desk ratio is 8:1; and the school dropout rate stands at 15%. The majority of UPE schools in the district are Government-aided faith-based schools, mainly by Roman Catholic Church, Church of Uganda and Uganda Muslim Supreme Council.
The district safe water coverage is 55%; far below the national average of 85%. To make matters worse, most of the underground water in the district particularly in Malongo, Kyazanga, Lwengo and Ndagwe sub-counties is mineralized.
Community needs and how they were identified
A team of 12 Rotarians from the 4 partner Rotary clubs conducted a community assessment in Lwengo between 19th and 21st August 2020. The team visited 13 primary schools, 12 Government-aided faith-based and 1 private, in the 6 sub-counties of the district and held meetings with key stakeholders at the district, community and school levels. The team also inspected facilities at each school to ascertain their state. Nine schools were found to have the most need and are the ones that will benefit from the proposed project.
The team noted that the latrine situation at nearly all schools visited was appalling. At Kagoogwa PS, 268 girls were sharing one makeshift prefabricated 5-stance latrine that was not only in a sorry state but was grossly inadequate and lacked privacy. The pupil to latrine stance ratio stood at 67:1, more than one and a half times the standard ratio of 40:1. At Kijjajasi PS, there wasn't a single functional latrine for use by 351 pupils as the 10-stance latrine constructed more than 10 years ago had been condemned due to its poor state while at Singiro PS 198 girls, 137 boys, 17 teachers and staff were sharing one crude 3-stance latrine, giving an incredible pupil to latrine stance ratio of 1:112. The condition of latrines at St. Clare Nkoni, Gyenda and Kaikolongo PS was not any better either. Actually, the team learnt that students in some schools had resorted to using their school compounds as toilets. Moreover, none of the above schools had appropriate girl-friendly conveniences for menstrual hygiene management, facilities for menstrual waste disposal, handwashing points or purification systems to provide safe drinking water.
The team also noted that although Kabaseegu (270 girls & 212 boys), Nakyenyi PS (277 girls & 289 boys), St. Clare (287 girls & 241 boys), Mitimikalu (105 girls & 103 boys), Gyenda (408 girls & 358 boys) and Kaikolongo PS (171 girls & 149 boys) had some rainwater harvesting tanks, they were insufficient to provide adequate water for drinking, personal hygiene and food preparation particularly in the dry season. Several existing rainwater collection systems were also needed some form of repair. Moreover, all the schools did not have alternative clean water sources nearby. Consequently, pupils walk several kilometers to distant streams to collect water which is often contaminated. This not only reduced their study time resulting in poor academic performance but also put their health at risk.
The team further observed that through self-help initiatives, parents and teachers at Singiro PS and Mitimikalu PS managed to construct permanent school blocks that currently house P1, P2 and P3, and P1, P2, P3 and P4 respectively. The block at Mitimikalu PS also serves as the school main hall. The team however noted that the two buildings needed renovations to improve the pupils' learning environment.
Additionally, the team noted that several schools particularly Kijjajasi, Kabaseegu, Nakyenyi and Singiro PS had insufficient desks - a desk that sits 3 pupils was being shared by up to 6 learners; eight out of the 9 schools had children with disabilities but none had disabled-friendly latrines; and that there were knowledge gaps in the schools on WASH and health related issues including the dangers of COVID-19 and how to avoid being infected by the virus.
Project Objectives
a.To improve availability of and access to clean drinking water by pupils and staff
b.To improve sanitation and hygiene in beneficiary schools through construction of new latrines and provision of associated sanitary facilities
c.To provide disability inclusive WASH latrines in the beneficiary schools
d.To improve the pupils' learning environment through renovation of 2 classroom blocks and provision of desks
e.To improve the hygiene knowledge of the teachers, pupils and non-teaching staff
Project Beneficiaries
The project will directly benefit 4,011 pupils (2,151 girls and 1,860 boys), 14 school administrators, 109 teachers and 25 non-teaching staff in the 9 primary schools; and indirectly over 8,000 parents and 3 religious organizations. It is anticipated the pupils will act as agents of behavioural change in their homes and communities.
How the project will address the identified needs
New segregated VIP pit latrines one each for boys and girls will be constructed at Kagoogwa, Kijjajasi, St. Clare Nkoni, Kaikolongo and Singiro PS while Gyenda PS will receive one latrine block for girls. The boys' wing will have 6 stances (one dedicated to disabled children) and a urinal while the girls' wing will have 6 stances (one for children with disabilities), a separate room for hygiene and menstrual management, and waste covered bins for disposal of sanitary pads. The stances for disabled children will be fitted with disability-friendly accessories. Handwashing stations will also be provided close to each latrine to promote hand-washing practices.
At Singiro and Mitimikalu PS, two school blocks will be renovated by fitting the classrooms with steel doors and windows, plastering and painting of walls, and floor screeding and finishing to improve the pupils' learning environment.
Nakyenyi, Kabaseegu, St. Clare, Gyenda, Mitimikalu and Kaikolongo PS will each receive one 10,000lt. plastic water storage tank complete with rainwater harvesting accessories to improve availability of and access to water by pupils and staff. The missing fittings on existing water systems will also be replaced. Additionally, all the 9 schools will each receive 30 new wooden desks to supplement the existing stock. Each school will also get a standard Solar Water Purifier to improve utilization of clean and safe drinking water. Hygiene education that focuses on WASH related issues will be part of the wider context of health education in all the schools where issues including Covid-19, HIV AIDS and reproductive health will be addressed.
The proposed project will be implemented in partnership with the beneficiaries who will contribute local materials such as sand, aggregates and labour while Rotary will procure the other components including water storage tanks, water filters, wooden desks, bricks, cement, paint, fittings and masonry and other technical expertise. Furthermore, the project will be implemented in close collaboration with local partners to enhance sustainability. RC Lwengo that is resident in the project area will be in charge of the project onsite; the DEO, District Engineer, District Water Officer and District Inspector of Schools will provide the necessary technical input, oversight and follow-ups, and will participate in the proposed project trainings while the local religious bodies will mobilize their worshippers to participate in the project and offer project monitoring. The LC V Chairman will provide the requisite political support and goodwill.
Project Activities
•Construction of 11 new VIP pit latrines with associated sanitation amenities
•Installation of six 10,000lt. plastic water tanks complete with rainwater harvesting fixtures
•Provision of 9 standard solar water purifiers to improve utilization of clean and safe drinking water
•Completion of 2 school blocks at Singiro Public School and Mitimikalu PS
•Procurement of 270 wooden desks
•Training to improve the hygiene and sanitation knowledge of teachers, pupils and staff including the dangers of COVID-19 and how it can be avoided
Expected Results
•Access to better sanitation facilities and safe drinking water by pupils, teachers and staff
•Improved attendance and retention among girls and children with disabilities
•Improved literacy and academic performance by pupils in supported schools
•Improved sanitation and hygiene knowledge by the teachers, pupils and the staff incl. the dangers of COVID-19 and how best they can avoid it
Budget Estimates
No. Item description Cost
1. 5 new boys latrines complete with associated sanitary amenities US$32,500
2. 6 new girls latrines complete with associated sanitary amenities US$41,640
3. Installation of 6 water tanks and rainwater harvesting systems US$17,100
4. Provision of 9 solar water purifiers US$11,500
5. Renovation of two school blocks US$22,200
6. Procurement of 270 desks US$ 8,640
7. Hygiene training US$ 3,100
8. Monitoring and Evaluation US$ 2,500
10. Contingency US$ 1,200
Total US$141,380
Funding (local partner clubs & D9211 contributions)
1. Cash contribution from RC Kampala Ssese Islands US$10,000
2. Cash contribution from RC Kira US$ 4,000
3. Cash contribution from Rotary E club of Uganda Global US$ 4,000
4. Cash contribution from RC Lwengo US$ 2,000
5. DDF from D9211 US$ 7,500
TOTAL US$27,500