
Improvement of WASH at Ddagye





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Uganda

Location: Ssese Islands

Total Budget: $96,880

Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene

Project description

Ddagye village is located in Bujumba sub-county on Bugala island, the largest of the 84 islands that comprise the Ssese archipelago in Lake Victoria-administratively known as Kalangala district. Entirely comprised of islands, Kalangala district is located in central Uganda. The district covers an area of 9,066.8km2 of which only 432.1 km2 (4.8%) is land and the rest is open water. Bugala island occupies 296 km2 or 63.2% of the district land mass.

Ddagye is principally a nucleated fishing village; and fishing, small business enterprises and subsistence farming provide the most important livelihood for most residents. A small percentage of residents work as casual labourers on BIDCO palm oil plantations. Ddagye is surrounded by Bweza, Jjungo, Busente and Buswa villages; and is the gateway to bordering islands of Bubembe, Buyigi, Ngabo, Kiserwa, Kacungwa and Ffunve. According to the LC I Chairman, Mr. Serwadda, Ddagye has slightly over 1,000 residents with a female to male ratio of 95:100. Children (aged below 18 years) constitute about 48% of the total population. An overview of the water and sanitation situation in Ddagye reveals a very non-satisfactory situation. The percentage of households without access to safe water is 51.3%; and the main source of water for domestic use and drinking is the lake (82.3%). The remainder get their water from unprotected streams and springs. The residents highlighted challenges faced while fetching water from the lake. They noted that it was risky for children due to crocodiles and possibility of drowning; and waves in the lake (which peak during the dry spell of July) make access to clean water complicated and increase the incidence of water accidents. A considerable number of residents expressed concern about contamination from fertilizers and pesticides applied to the palm trees, some members who use the lake or nearby hiding environments to excrete, animals using the same water facilities, and people pouring water used to wash fish back into the lake which makes the water to smell. Some residents complained that the lake was very far thereby forcing them to include water among the daily costs.

The residents also voiced concern that although Lake Victoria is the main driver of livelihoods, it is also a factor affecting disease patterns and risks. The four most common symptoms as self-reported by the residents were flu/cold (36%), malaria/fever (29%), diarrhea (8%), and respiratory infections (5%). Residents attributed the disease incidences to different causes including use of bad water (52%), poor hygiene in the area (21%), mosquitoes (8%), weather changes (7%), and congestion in the communities (2%). The main dislike with lake water raised by residents were that water can be contaminated and dirty, especially when there are storms and during periods when algae, locally called mubiru, is present. Residents attributed dirty water from the lake with a number of diseases including; bilharzia, skin infections, stomach pains, typhoid, dysentery, and malaria/fever.

The sanitary situation, particularly at the landing site was equally very poor. The percentage of households without a toilet was as high as 60 percent. At Ddagye landing site, we noticed that the roof of the only available 5-stance communal toilet serving about 400 people had been blown off at the time of the visit. It was also noted that households far from existing toilet facilities tended to resort to the lake for excretion. Moreover, sanitation efforts are affected by several constraints and issues, including high-water table which causes collapse of pit latrines if they are not lined, in some locations rocky ground conditions making construction burdensome, lack of space in some communities making construction of household facilities difficult and open defecation, including in the lake, as a behaviour causing contamination and pollution of ground and surface water.

Since 2015, the Rotary Club of Kampala Ssese Islands (RCKSI), working with partners has been implementing an "Adopt a Village" program at Ddagye. The program addresses 5 of Rotary's 7 areas of focus. The first project was the construction and equipping of a Health Centre II facility that cost over US$48,600 that now serves over 2,000 people. In February 2022, construction of Ddagye Early Childhood School as the second phase of the Adopt a Village program was completed. The school that now serves over 150 pupils consists of WASH facilities; and cost over US$66,000 in construction and equipping. The proposed project is the third phase of the Adopt a Village program.

Proposed intervention

Under the project, the RCKSI will partner with Kalangala Infrastructure Services (KIS) to extend piped water to Ddagye communities. KIS is a multi-sector utility company set up to develop and operate financially viable infrastructure on Bugala island. It operates in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework established in 2006 between Government of Uganda and InfraCO. Currently, KIS is operating 2 ferry transport services between Bugala and the mainland; is supplying and selling electricity throughout Bugala island; is operating water supply system in Kalangala TC and 7 major settlements and landing sites; and is maintaining 66km main island roads. KIS will operate and maintain the water supply system; and the residents will pay for the used water for sustainability. Additionally, two lined segregated 8-stance pit latrines complete with washrooms and handwashing facilities will be constructed; sanitation and hygiene education will be conducted; and training of the community, especially women in the production of reusable sanitary pads as a way of economic empowerment will be undertaken.

The project will be implemented in partnership with the beneficiary community who will among others, donate land for installation of the project facilities/infrastructure, offer space for grant trainings, and provide security for the installed facilities. Additionally, the project will be executed in coordination and close collaboration with Kalangala district technical offices and other partners to enhance its success and sustainability. The District Water Office, the District Health Office and the District Fisheries Office will provide the necessary technical input and oversight, and will participate in the proposed project trainings while the local church and community leaders will mobilize residents to participate in the project and offer project monitoring.

The project will receive Kalangala district support because it is directly aligned to 3 out of the 6 key strategic objective in the District Development Plan, namely: - (a) To improve household incomes and promote food security; (b) To improve the stock and quality of water and road infrastructure; (c) To increase safe water coverage and sanitation in the district. It will also impact the fourth strategic objective; (d) To improve the quality of health care services.

Project Objectives

a.To improve availability of and access to clean and safe water by residents of Ddagye village

b.To improve sanitation and hygiene through construction of two new latrines and provision of associated sanitary facilities

c.To improve sanitation and hygiene knowledge of the community members

d.To improve the economic status of women through training in the production of reusable sanitary pads

Project Beneficiaries

The project will directly benefit over 1,000 community members who will have access to clean and safe water; and through improved sanitation and hygiene, and over 300 women through training in the production of reusable sanitary pads as a way of economic empowerment. Other beneficiaries will include over 500 patients and medical staff at Ddagye Health Center II as well 150 pupils and staff of Ddagye Early Childhood School.

Proposed activities

•Installation of piped water system incl. water pipeline, distribution network, pump house, water storage tank and stand, and public taps

•Construction of two lined segregated 8-stance pit latrines complete with shower and handwashing stations

•Sanitation and hygiene education for the community.

•Training the women in the production of reusable sanitary pads as a way of economic empowerment

Primary Host Partner

District: 9213

Rotary Club of: Kampala-Ssese Islands

Primary Contact: Justine Kazibwe

Email: jnkazibwe@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

Need $82,880
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Kampala-Ssese Islands (9213)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

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History Log Entries


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.

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