
Cameroon Maetur Village Water,





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Cameroon

Location: West Province

Total Budget: $40,606

Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene

This international Global Grant-funded project will provide clean and reliable water, disease prevention, Menstrual Hygiene Workshop as well as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Training for a school of 320 children and 100 community members in the village of Maetur, Cameroon. The Rotary Club of Denver Southeast is teaming with lots of District 5450 clubs, a local host Kumbo Rotary Club and local Cooperating Organization to undertake this much-needed project. Both the local Rotary Club (the Rotary Club of Kumbo) and the local Cooperating Organization (the Association for Sustainable Development, ASD) have a history of successfully completing sustainable community-driven projects in Cameroon. ASD and the Rotary Club of Kumbo have completed many WASH Projects in Cameroon and both have knowledgeable experts to design, manage, and supervise the project as well as carefully and transparently administering grant funds, and also to complete engineering review, hydro-geophysical & hydrology analysis, and any additionally needed input on operations and maintenance designs. The Rotary Club of Denver Southeast is providing fund raising and oversight to ensure the project is successful and sustainable. The first objective of the project is to create a water supply which includes drilling a well for water, an electric-powered pump system for the well, and storage facilities designed to distribute the water to the school and community. The second objective is a Water System and WASH training for the local water committee and villagers to improve water-related disease awareness and education, including a workshop on menstrual cups and creating sustainable feminine hygiene pads. This initiative merges water provision and knowledge with public health to provide sustainable, community-led WASH awareness and action in rural Cameroon that provides year-round health and productivity services.

The Association for Sustainable Development is known to the Host Sponsor (the Rotary Club of Kumbo) which has had several visits from members of the Rotary Club of Denver Southeast (D-5450) regarding previous Global Grants for WASH projects in Cameroon. From 2018 to 2019, Association for Sustainable Development's Eugene Lendzemo mobilized the village of Nkar (Cameroon) to form a Water Management Committee as part of the preparation for developing a sustainable water management strategy and then managed and successfully completed the Nkar Water Project (GG2013544). The Rotary Club of Kumbo has met with Association for Sustainable Development and had the club's consulting water engineer (Ernest Aroke) review and approve the implementation plans of Association for Sustainable Development. Mr. Aroke had provided a very positive assessment of Association for Sustainable Development's capability to serve as the local implementer of the previously completed Nkar Water Project. The International Sponsor has been kept informed of these developments and concurs with the Rotary Club of Kumbo's recommendation to have the Association for Sustainable Development serve as a participating, non-governmental organization. Association for Sustainable Development employs Eugene Lendzemo, who has worked with the Rotary Club of Kumbo and the Rotary Club of Denver Southeast on seven previous Cameroon-based Global Grant projects in the villages of Nkar, Didango, Sabongari, Tchim/Mvouh, Lum-Sole, Up Station Bamenda and Mape where the work was done (and is being done) to the clubs' satisfaction. Association for Sustainable Development's technician, Eugene Lendzemo, is working specifically to ensure the long-term sustainability, monitoring, and evaluation of this project by recruiting a small team of trainees in WASH from the village to become the long-term trainers for the community. We believe strongly in the Train-The-Trainer approach. This will be composedcomprised of two committees: the Village Health Committee (for Disease Prevention and Menstrual Hygiene Training) and the Village Water Management Committee (for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Water Project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) related issues). These trainings are specifically incorporated into this budget and project to ensure that the M&E will not rely long-term on Association for Sustainable Development or Rotary, but on the community itself.

Primary Host Partner

District: 5450

Rotary Club of: Denver Southeast

Primary Contact: Joshua Knight

Email: joshuanknight@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

District: 9150

Rotary Club of: Kumbo

Primary Contact: Yaouba Ibrahim

Email: dbsislam@yahoo.com

Project Status

This project is "Paid". This means the funds have been received and the project is being implemented.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #234392.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Denver Southeast (5450)





Kumbo (9150)





Durango Daybreak (5470)





Fort Collins (5440)





Parker-Cherry Creek Valley (5450)





Denver (5450)





Denver Southeast (5450)





Westminster (5450)





Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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Project Photos

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History Log Entries


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Joshua Knight

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 with $1,250 DDF by John Angst of the Rotary Club of Durango Daybreak, District 5470.


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Pledge of $3,000 with $3,000 DDF by Robin Steele of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins, District 5440.


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 with $1,250 DDF by Joshua Knight of the Rotary Club of Parker-Cherry Creek Valley, District 5450.


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 with $1,250 DDF by Joshua Knight of the Rotary Club of Denver, District 5450.


System Entry

System Entry: Pledge of $10,527 by Joshua Knight of the Rotary Club of Denver Southeast, District 5450.


by Joshua Knight

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 with $1,250 DDF by Matthew Seitz of the Rotary Club of Westminster, District 5450.


by Joshua Knight

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Robin Steele

System Entry: Application Sent to The Rotary Foundation through Member Access.


by John Trone

System Entry: Application approved by The Rotary Foundation.


by John Trone

System Entry: Payment has been issued by The Rotary Foundation.

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