
Solar BIOROCK Science Lab





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Tanzania

Location: Kigamboni

Total Budget: $43,850

Area of Focus: The environment

View Online
Proposal Form

The objectives for this global grant are to renovate the sCIENCE laboratory at the

Project Activities

* Biorock Technology ,or mineral accretion technology is a method that applies safe,low voltage electrical currents through seawater,causing dissolved minerals to crystallize on

structures,growing into a white limestone similar to that which naturally makes up corals reefs and tropical white sands beaches. This material has a strength greater than concrete . It can be used to make robust artificial reefs on which corals grow at very rapid rates. The change in the Environment produced by electrical currents accelerates formation and growth of both chemical limestone rock and the skeletons of corals and other shell bearing organisms.

What community needs will your project address and how were these needs identified?

Provide any relevant data or survey results.

How were members of the local community involved in planning the project?

Feasibility study with WWF and IUCN

Does your project

align with any current or ongoing local initiatives? Yes 7th ficus environment

- they communicate regularly with local industry to ensure that

course content addresses specific workforce needs whenever possible.

Describe any training, community outreach, or education programs, if applicable, and who will

conduct them.

wwf has been having community capacity building

How will recipients be selected?

From the village data base.

Areas of Focus

Global grants must support the goals of at least one of Rotary's areas of focus. You will be asked to select the applicable area of focus and the goals that your activity will support.

Area of focus


How will you meet these goals?

Area of Focus Statement of Purpose and Goals

TRF enables Rotarians to ensure that all people have sustainable access to basic education and

literacy by:

1. Involving the community to support programs that strengthen the capacity of communities

to provide basic education and

2.literacy to all;

3. Working to reduce gender disparity in education;

How will you measure your impact (involves choosing a measure, target, measurement method,

and measurement schedule)?

Cooperating organization

List the name of the cooperating organization.*

KIDETE Secondary School





Upload the memorandum of understanding between the primary sponsors and the cooperating

organization in PDF format.*

Describe your process for selecting this organization.


What resources or expertise will this

organization contribute?*


List any additional partners who will participate. This may include Rotary clubs, Rotaract clubs, Rotary Community Corps, or individuals.*

Rotary Clubs in District 7090 will contribute to the Coral Biorock solar lab renovation project.

Volunteer travelers

International travel for volunteers is permitted for up to two individuals as part of a

humanitarian project. These individuals provide training or implement the project should the

host sponsor confirm that their skills are not readily available locally.* Identify the

responsibilities of the volunteer travelers and the specific tasks that each individual will



Upload a résumé or curriculum vitae, in PDF format, for each volunteer traveler.*

Upload a daily itinerary for the volunteer travelers. Include travel, training, and/or project



*Only if applicable; not required for all.

Grant Management Manual 2.4 Applying for a Global Grant

Participants continued

Rotarian participation

Describe the role of the host Rotarians in this activity and list their specific responsibilities.

The Rotary Club of pUGU emasaki will help to bring awareness to No Plastic soup -

Describe the role of the international Rotarians in this activity and list their specific


The international rotarians will raise the necessary funds to match the global grant They

will also administer the application and work with the Village to reporting for the global


Describe the role that members of the local community will play in implementing your project.

What incentives (e.g., compensation, awards, certification, promotion) will you provide to

encourage local participation?

Identify any individuals in the local community who will be responsible for monitoring

outcomes and ensuring continuity of services.

How will you support these individuals to help

them take on this leadership role?

The school administration is directly responsible for monitoring outcomes and ensuring

the maintenance and education in the lab. The international sponsor will ...


Detail the proposed expenses for your activity, such as accommodations, equipment, supplies,

monitoring and evaluation, operations, personnel, project management, publicity, signage,

travel, tuition.

Upload any documents, such as price bids or pro forma invoices, to support the expenses listed.

Describe the process for selecting these budget items. Price and only available

Do you plan to purchase any items from local vendors?

Yes rebars and solar panels.

Have you performed a competitive bidding process to select vendors?Tes

Do these budget items align with the local culture and technology standards?Yes

The required equipment for the labs aligns with best practice in science education and

workforce preparedness for growing industries in Tanzania.

How will the beneficiaries maintain these items?

The village age has the necessary staff and long term revenue stream to maintain the labs

and equipment as well as the replace equipment when necessary.

If applicable, confirm that spare or replacement parts are readily available and that the

beneficiaries possess the skills to operate equipment.

Villagers at that community have the necessary higher education and certifications to train

students to use the new laboratory and equipment. Furnishing, equipment and supplies

are available in the regional economy. The school administration and Mtwara Rotary

club have access to the necessary suppliers.

Who will own the items purchased with grant funds at the end of the project, including

equipment, assets, and materials? Note that items cannot be owned by a Rotary club or


Village of Magogoni


List all funding sources.

Rotary Global Grant

Money raised from clubs in district 7090.

pUGU emasaki Rotary Club

Have you identified a local funding source to ensure long-term project outcomes?

The existing revenue stream for the school will be sufficient to maintain the laboratory

in the future.

Will you introduce practices to help generate income for ongoing project funding?

The existing revenue stream for the school will be sufficient to maintain the laboratory

in the future.

Budget Estimates

No. Item description Cost

Restoration of solar lab US$22,200

1. solar panels 1000

2. Hygiene training US$ 3,100

3. Monitoring and Evaluation US$ 2,500

4. Contingency US$ 1,200

Line item for corals BIOROCK CATHODE AND ANION


6soil analysis 2000

7. Laminar Airflow Chamber


Expand and restore other closer sites for training in tourism management, wildlife management and conservation of endangered animals. The present classrooms are too small, made of plywood with poor lighting and no white boards or teaching aids.

Equip and expand the training facility for CARBON MEASURMENT to provide the skills and practical internship experience needed for employment IN GHG PROJECTS.

Provide workforce development skills in preparation for employment opportunities, i.e. professional imaging, resume writing, interviewing skills, presentation skills, customer service skills, and collaboration skills and provide community training in various basic needs in conservation farming.

Another addition to this effort is to provide the opportunity for various farmers within the surrounding community to be provided ae seaweeds to plant on their farmland.

allowing local communities and even national governments to begin addressing Paris A greement Climate Change reduction commitments. This can be a win-win-win-win for ALL parties involved.

Participation (local partner clubs & D9214 contributions

Primary Host Partner

District: 9214

Rotary Club of: E-Club of Masaki

Primary Contact: Leena Kapadi

Email: leenakapadi3@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

District: 4281

Rotary Club of: Armenia International

Primary Contact: Rosa Elena Ramirez B

Email: rossigerentesunshine2@hotmail.com

Project Status

Your project is "Fully Pledged". This means the amount of the pledges is equal to the total budget of the project. Now the project needs to be finalized and go through the approval process with The Rotary Foundation. This process gets started on the administration page.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #2462502.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Lancaster-Depew (7090)





Amherst (7090)





Armenia International (4281)





E-Club of Masaki (9214)





Amherst (7090)





Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents


birock dome


Project Photos

History Log Entries


by fiona barretto

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by fiona barretto

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 by Fiona Norma Barretto of the Rotary Club of Lancaster-Depew, District 7090.


by fiona barretto

System Entry: Pledge of $4,888 by Fiona Norma Barretto of the Rotary Club of Williamsville, District 7090.


by fiona barretto

System Entry: Pledge of $4,888 by RICHARD of the Rotary Club of Williamsville, District 7090.


by fiona barretto

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 by Robert benzil of the Rotary Club of Lancaster-Depew, District 7090.


System Entry

System Entry: Pledge of $100 with $20,000 DDF by Dr Daman Dalaia of the Rotary Club of Amherst, District 7090.



System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 by Rossi Birt of the Rotary Club of Armenia International, District 4281.


by Dr Daman Dalaia

System Entry: Pledge of $5,000 by fiona desouza of the Rotary Club of Amherst, District 7090.


by Fiona Barretto

System Entry: Pledge of $250 by Fiona Barretto of the Rotary Club of Amherst, District 7090.


by Fiona Barretto

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".

© 2010 Philippe Lamoise - Website design by Philippe Lamoise, D2G Online