
Botfoot Treatment with PM-VTT





History Logs

Project Description

Region: South America

Country: Argentina/Uruguay

Location: Buenos Aires

Total Budget: $77,576

Area of Focus: None

Summary of Global Grant GG2351251

This project will train doctors in Argentina and Uruguay in the use of the Ponseti Method in the treatment of clubfoot deformity. It consists of a systematic series of casting and orthotic bracing treatment that permanently and non-surgically corrects clubfoot, which will allow children not to live a disabled life. Babies are born with such deformity, which means their feet are turned to the inside or back, cannot walk, and they keep falling. Since they cannot walk, they crawl.

The project consists of a Vocational Training Team (VTT) training program for orthopedists from 7 hospitals in Argentina and Uruguay. The hospitals and professional trainees were carefully selected by Dr. Miguel Paz, President of Ponseti International Association Latin America (PIA Latin America) who is in contact with orthopedists throughout the region. Initial training will be overseen by Drs. José Morcuende, President of the Ponseti International Association (PIA), and Monica Nogueira of Brazil.

Trainees, who will train others, will come from these hospitals:

1. Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez Children's Hospital - City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

2. Children's Hospital of the Holy Trinity - Córdoba, Argentina

3. Maternal and Child Public Hospital - Salta, Argentina

4. H.I.G.A. President Perón de Avellaneda -Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

5. Tacuarembó Regional Hospital - Tacuarembó, Uruguay

6. Pereira Rossell Hospital - Montevideo, Uruguay

7. Rio Gallegos Regional Hospital - Rio Gallegos, Argentina.

"Ponseti Clinics" will be established at each Hospital, and will have a uniform "look" that identifies them with the Ponseti International Association (PIA) and with Rotary International. Ponseti Clinic design takes into account the needs and desires of clubfoot patients and their families.

As part of their training, participating professionals will be prepared to raise awareness about clubfoot deformity and its treatment. Parents of patients will also receive information and guidance on clubfoot and its treatment. Reference material identifying Rotary will be provided to each medical professional.

The project will be carried out in collaboration with PIA and PIA Latin America. After the initial training is completed, Dr. Miguel Paz will periodically visit the new Ponseti Clinics in each of the Hospitals. Eight months after the initial training, VTT leaders Drs. José Morcuende and Mónica Nogueira will return to observe the progress and evaluate practitioners and clinics using established criteria.

The project will provide the necessary material for patient care such as splints and plasters. It also provides for the purchase of braces which are worn following treatment in order to prevent relapse. After completion of this project there will be enough trained professionals in Argentina and Uruguay to provide treatment for all new cases of clubfoot deformity.


The population of Uruguay is 3,423,108, size 175,015 square kilometers (67,574 square miles).

The population of Argentina is 45,810.000, size 2,800 million square kilometers (1,1 million square miles).

Total $ 77,576 - We need cash $12,384

Primary Host Partner

District: 4905

Rotary Club of: San Martín-Villa Maipú

Primary Contact: Elisa Oviedo

Email: elisa.b.oviedo@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

District: 6000

Rotary Club of: Iowa City A.M.

Primary Contact: M. Concepcion Piragine

Email: nenupiragine@hotmail.com

Project Status

Your project is "Fully Pledged". This means the amount of the pledges is equal to the total budget of the project. Now the project needs to be finalized and go through the approval process with The Rotary Foundation. This process gets started on the administration page.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #2351251.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Grand Bourg (4905)





Iowa City A.M. (6000)





District 4975 DDF





District 4851 DDF





District 4945 DDF





District 5470 DDF





Vail (5470)





District 4921 DDF





District 3201 DDF





Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

There are no documents yet for this project.
Go to the administration page to upload documents.

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $100 by Elisa Oviedo of the Rotary Club of Grand Bourg, District 4905.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $17,167 by M.Concepción Piragine of the Rotary Club of Iowa City A.M., District 6000.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $1,000 DDF by Ramon Zoni of District 4905.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $25,625 DDF by Jim Petersen of District 6000.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $100 with $1,000 DDF by Elisa Oviedo of the Rotary Club of Grand Bourg, District 4905.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $17,167 with $25,625 DDF by M. Concepcion Piragine of the Rotary Club of Iowa City A.M., District 6000.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $1,350 DDF by Antonio Nocetti of the Rotary Club of San Carlos, District 4975.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $1,400 DDF by Cristina Bogus of the Rotary Club of Córdoba, District 4851.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $1,350 DDF by Adriana Tassone of the Rotary Club of Armstrong, District 4945.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $625 DDF by Thomas Cook of District 5470.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $500 by Thomas Cook of the Rotary Club of Vail, District 5470.


by Elisa Oviedo

System Entry: Pledge of $1,631 DDF by Estela Werner of District 4921.


System Entry

System Entry: Pledge of $1 DDF by Dr. Deepana S N of the Rotary Club of Coimbatore Elite, District 3201.


System Entry

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".

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