
Hearing Aides to Students





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Asia

Country: Turkey

Location: Ankara

Total Budget: $38,337

Areas of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment, Basic education and literacy, Community economic development

The main goal of this project is to provide at least 25 hearing aides to the poor and deserving high school students of Kemal Yurtbilir Vocational School located in the suburbs of Ankara, Turkey, who have varying levels of hearing impairment. The long term intent of this project is for the school to eventually test their students and provide hearing aides accessible to all needed students to improve their lives. It is known that the hearing impairment results in decline in both academics and quality of life for these students and this project will greatly help on this score and enhance their social skills and provide vast improvement in their quality of life. The outcome of these efforts will result in more self-confident students who will be productive members of society.

The host club Ankara Rotary will work with the school administration and teachers to accomplish the following.

- Conduct hearing testing of students and select a group of at least 25 student for this project that are in need of hearing aides

- Review test results with school administration and student families to determine the best course of intervention and also monitor results after the intervention.

- Educate students, their families, and school staff on hearing impairment, effects on learning, and related subjects

- Handover to the school authorities with a promise to continue the project at school's own expense after the project is complete to ensure continued sustainability.

The timeline for the completion of this project is estimated to be one year from the date all funds are received by the host Rotary.

Primary Host Partner

District: 2430

Rotary Club of: Ankara

Primary Contact: Aykut Cinaroglu

Email: aykut_cinaroglu@hotmail.com

Primary International Partner

District: 5340

Rotary Club of: Del Mar-Solana Beach

Primary Contact: Venky Venkatesh

Email: mandyamvenkatesh@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by The Rotary Foundation. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2013-14 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #1413543.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Del Mar-Solana Beach Sunrise (5340)





Mission Valley-Sunset, San Diego (5340)





Coronado (5340)





Ankara (2430)





Ankara-Or-an (2430)





Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Venky Venkatesh

New Global Grant Project Uploaded.


System Entry

Creation of project page.


by Venky Venkatesh

Mission Valley Sunset (D5340) and Ankara Or-an Rotary (D2430) have each contributed $325 and their respective DDF.


System Entry

Pledge of $325 with $325 DDF by Sinan Debre of the Rotary Club of Ankara-Or-an, District 2430.


System Entry

Pledge of $325 with $325 DDF by Sinan Debre of the Rotary Club of Mission Valley-Sunset, San Diego, District 5340.


System Entry

Pledge of $1,142 by Mary Griffin of the Rotary Club of Coronado, District 5340.


System Entry

Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Marge Cole

The Rotary District 5340 Foundation Committee voted to allot $5,325. in District Designated Funds (DDF) to this project at its meeting today.


by Aykut Cinaroglu

An Introduction.pdf file describing the project and 4 photos taken during training of the students have been uploaded.


by Venky Venkatesh

Ankara Host Rotary increased the club cash contribution to $9000 and reduced the DDF from District 2430 to 2000 max and adjusted the project cost to $38,337. There are no changes to Club and DDF contributions in our District 5340. The completed application authorized by all was submitted to TRF on 9/11/2013.


System Entry

Project reverted to "Published".


System Entry

Pledge of $9,000 with $2,000 DDF by Aykut Cinaroglu of the Rotary Club of Ankara, District 2430.


System Entry

Project is now "Fully Pledged".


System Entry

Project reverted to "Published".


System Entry

Pledge of $325 by Aykut Cinaroglu of the Rotary Club of Ankara-Or-an, District 2430.


System Entry

Project is now "Fully Pledged".


System Entry

Application Sent to The Rotary Foundation through Member Access.


by Venky Venkatesh

Response provided to TRF questions. Awaiting Signed MOU from Ankara Host Rotary


System Entry

Application approved by The Rotary Foundation.


by Venky Venkatesh

All signatures completed including legal agreement and bank account opened in Turkey. Awaiting TRF response.


by Venky Venkatesh

The project is fully approved and the contributions from the D5340 clubs were sent to TRF in Marc 2014h and the two Ankara Clubs have sent their remittances. The Host Ankara Rotary has opened the Bank account and awaiting remittance from TRF.


by Venky Venkatesh

The Host Ankara Rotary Club received funding for the project from TRF.


System Entry

Payment has been issued by The Rotary Foundation.


by Aykut Cinaroglu

The project has been implemented and 32 pairs of hearing aids were provided to 32 poor students having different level of hearing impairment.

Within the scope of the project, 44 hear mold were made and 264 spare batteries were provided to these students as well.


System Entry

Final Report sent to The Rotary Foundation.


System Entry

Final Report approved by The Rotary Foundation.

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