
WASH in school in Ssese Island





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Uganda

Location: Ssese Islands

Total Budget: $453,000

Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in schools in Ssese Islands,Kalangala District


In a few short sentences, tell us your objectives for this global grant.

1. To improve accessibility to safe water through creating rain water catchment areas and repair the broken ones in schools and also protect the water points from the community.

2. To improve access to sanitary facilities in schools.

3. To improve on the access of school hygiene.

4. To build the capacity of the district and the associative structures for sustainable Water and Sanitation programs.

Who will benefit from this global grant?

 School going children and youth in the 26 schools (23 primary and 3 secondary)

 Communities surrounding schools.

 Teachers of Kalangala district.

 School Management Committee, PTA, School children Clubs, GEM Chapter members.

 Kalangala District Local Government, particularly education and health.

 Private Service providers.

Where will your project take place?

Kalangala District in the six Islands in Central Uganda

When do you anticipate your project will take place?

As soon as the grant is approved

What community needs will your project address and how were these needs identified? Provide any relevant data or survey results.

The project seeks to increase safe water access and coverage by creating more rainwater catchment areas, improve sanitation by constructing and rehabilitating pit latrines and girls' washrooms and incinerators and improvement of hygiene by providing hand washing facilities. The project will also address the district and local structures capacity gaps in planning and implementing of WASH programs in schools

These needs were identified through a needs assessment done by Rotarians from The Rotary Club of Kampala Ssese Island 2014 , Whereby it was established that Although Kalangala district is entirely surrounded by Lake Victoria with an area of 9,066.8Km2, only 432.1Km2 (4.8%) is land and the rest is water, the problem of accessing clean water by schools is still alarming. Out of the 23 primary schools only two primary schools access clean water throughout the term, [from the district water system] which is also very irregular, the rest depend on unsafe water from wells or the Lake, which the fishing community has greatly abused, because most landing sites operate without latrines, making the water unsafe for domestic use. School children have to descend through rocks and forests, for more than half a km from school, which is dangerous for them without mentioning drowning in the lake. This tremendously affects the pupils' learning; as a lot of time is spent in fetching water. Worse still this water is unsafe because statistics show that 78% of morbidity is caused by poor water and sanitation conditions.

The simple act of washing hands with soap can reduce the incidence of diarrheal rates among children almost 50 per cent.

According to the Ministry of education statistical abstract 2011 reveal that 73 children share one latrine stance (1:73) in Kalangala district; while the government recommended ratio is 1: 40 pupils. Schools must have separate stances for girls, boys and teachers. Kalangala district has only one school out of the 23 primary schools with separate latrines for boys and girls. In one of the schools, the four stance latrine is shared by the teachers and children. In Lwabaswa Primary schools both boys and girls are using two stance temporary latrines. None of the schools has washrooms for use during menstruation. These factors affect enrolment, retention and completion especially of girls in upper primary.

Detail how your project will address these community needs.

a) Water, sanitation and Hygiene hardware facility development

1. Procure and install 10,000litre plastic tanks in 26 schools.

2. Repair tanks which are broken down.

3. Repair gutters and taps which are broken down.

4. Construct appropriate pit latrines with Urinals for boys and separate washrooms for girls

5. Construct incinerators in 26 schools

6. Construct hand washing points in 26 schools

7. Dig garbage pits.

8. Provide Safe drinking water facilities

9. Establishment and equip separate girls changing rooms for menstrual hygiene management issues

10. Repair the broken doors on pit latrines

b) Behavioural change communication for improved WASH

1. Establishment of hygiene committees in schools and surrounding community

2. Training of mentor teachers and school club leaders on hygiene management and monitoring.

3. Conducting hygiene promotional campaigns in schools and surrounding communities through MDD events and competitions led by children and parents.

4. Adapting and printing of IEC materials including posters as well as "talking" compounds

5. Support community and school dialogues

6. Media campaigns for example District and national radio talk shows with spot messages and jingles on wash

7. Support and participate in district and national level WASH events.

c) Capacity Building for WASH stake holders(District and associative structures)

1. Conduct district inception meeting for buy-in, alignment with DDP(District Development Plans) and role and responsibility allocation

2. Review district capacity status and develop a joint capacity building plan

3. Implement the plan including trainings

4. Conduct exposure visits for SMC, PTAs School clubs, Beach management committees and foundation bodies

How were members of the local community involved in planning the project? Does your project align with any current or ongoing local initiatives?

The District local Government through the line departments for health, education, water and environment and community development , the school management committees , teachers and children were involved during the assessment exercise that was conducted in the 26 Schools.

The mapping of the schools WASH status had the direct involved of the head teachers and the school management committee members.

Describe any training, community outreach, or education programs, if applicable, and who will conduct them. How will recipients be selected?

The project will be implemented on a tripartite model with GEM-U as the local implementing partner undertaking the behavioural and infrastructure development components alluded to in the activities as well as capacity building trainings. .

Sanitation and Hygiene training by GEM Uganda for Head teachers, Senior Men and Women teachers and the GEM Patron as well as 3 pupils [2 girls/1 boy]. The training is a comprehensive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene [WASH] including Sexual Maturation Management package based on Ministry of Education and Sports [MOES] Basic Minimum Requirements for Schools [BMRS]. It is child centred with adult supervision. The training content will be integrated in the school activities for effectiveness and sustainability.

Teachers will be targeted with information on hygiene practices like hand washing at key junctions and they in turn will pass on the information to the children especially through clubs.

There will be training for the district and community associative structures in planning for WASH as well as management, maintenance and monitoring of the facilities and behavior adoption.

Global grants must support the goals of at least one of Rotary's areas of focus. You will be asked to select the applicable area of focus and the goals that your activity will support.

Areas of Focus

1. Disease Prevention and Treatment

2. Basic Education and Literacy

3. Water and Sanitation


1. To reduce morbidity and mortality due to water borne diseases and poor sanitation in schools.

2. To contribute to educational outcomes: Which is increased enrolment retention and completion rates and achievement.

3. To improve hygiene in schools

4. To facilitate girls' hygiene by creating girls' washrooms and incinerators

5. To sensitize school community about diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation

6. The knowledge acquired would also be applied in their homes to the benefit of the communities outside schools.

How will you meet these goals?

1. By creating more rainwater catchment areas in all schools

2. By constructing and rehabilitating pit latrines with girls' washrooms in all schools

3. By constructing hand washing equipments in schools.

4. By constructing incinerators in schools.

5. By holding community behavioural change campaigns through dialogs, interactive sessions, MDD event, media campaigns.

6. Capacity building/training for district and associative structures (SMC, PTA, beach management committee and school children's clubs and Young people).

How will you measure your impact (involves choosing a measure, target, measurement method, and measurement schedule)?

• Through analysis of the health statistics of the school communities especially of water borne diseases, sanitation and hygiene related diseases.

• District education reports on enrolment, attendance and completion 30%.

• Data on accidents through drowning of children by the beach management committees.

• Review of district documents including the WASH plan and budget in the District development plan and the minutes of the school management committee meetings

Who will be responsible for collecting information for monitoring and evaluation?

GEM Uganda Staff, members of the Rotary Club of Kampala Ssese Islands and its International Partners and the district leadership will be responsible for monitoring and evaluation. A comprehensive monitoring plan will be jointly developed and shared stipulating the responsibilities.

Global grant committee

Identify the Rotary club or district in the country or geographical area where the activity will take place (primary host sponsor) and a Rotary club or district outside of that country or geographical area (primary international sponsor). Each sponsor must establish a three-person grant committee and one individual on the grant committee must be designated as the primary contact.

Rotary Club of Kampala Ssese Islands (RCKSI) D9211

List the members of the global grant committee.

1. Rtn David Rogers Kintu (Primary Contact)

2. Rtn Nelson Kabwama

3. Rtn Peter Mark Mutebi


List any additional partners who will participate. This may include Rotary clubs, Retract clubs, Rotary Community Corps, or individuals.*

GEM Uganda is the lead implementing partner for this project building on its experience in

Volunteer travellers

Identify the responsibilities of the volunteer travellers and the specific tasks that each individual will complete.*

Volunteer travellers will be from our International Rotary partners who will be coming to supervise and take audit of the funds they have contributed towards attaining this Global Grant. Volunteers will provide monitoring and evaluation of the project

Rotarian participation

Describe the role of the host Rotarians in this activity and list their specific responsibilities.

 Host Rotarians will monitor and evaluate the implementation of this project.

 Advise GEM Uganda in the implementation process of the project.

 Receive money from donors for this project and release it to GEM Uganda account on requisition.

 Participate in the auditing process of the books of account used by GEM Uganda in this project.

 Recommend GEM Uganda to any donor interested in funding this project.

 Source funds for this project from all sources available.

Describe the role of the international Rotarians in this activity and list their specific responsibilities.

 Provide funds which will be matched by TRF towards this project.

 Provide monitoring and evaluation for the project every year.

Describe the role that members of the local community will play in implementing your project. What incentives (e.g., compensation, awards, certification, and promotion) will you provide to encourage local participation?

The local community including the district, the school management committee and the school children will play various roles including:

Technical support for example the district will share the technical specifications for the WASH infrastructure development, monitoring and technical backstopping during the construction process and final approval of the works. The district through the department of education will own the facilities.

The school will be the host of the project facilities; it will provide the land/space and agree to support all the process including securing the materials, supervising the people and providing feedback to GEM and the district during their supervisory visits.

The school as a host of all the children will also inbuilt in their schedule and allow teachers and children to participate in capacity building session for hygiene promotion through club activities Time allocation will be done by the school head teacher with support of the school management committee.

The children will be key participants by adopting, practicing and maintaining the hygiene practices as well as cascading the same to their communities and peers. They will develop the duty sanitation roasters, monitor the project infrastructure and water facilities and inform administration about the utilisation and functionality in that way support the school administration to maintain a healthy environment for children to learn. Children will contribute their labour to dig the dust bins, make the tippy taps, and conduct community out reaches for mobilising communities to adopt appropriate WASH practices.

The over project will be implemented by GEM U in collaboration with the District Water Office, the Health Office and the Education Office of Kalangala district local government.

No incentives will be given, it will be purely voluntary.

Identify any individuals in the local community who will be responsible for monitoring outcomes and ensuring continuity of services. How will you support these individuals to help them take on this leadership role?

The district local government especially the Technical planning committee will be responsible for planning , budgeting and monitoring of the WASH activities , they will be supported to perform this role through training that are embedded in this project design.

The school management team of each school will be responsible for continuity and monitoring for the project outcomes, by mobilising parents and community leaders to support the adoption of the behaviour and the maintenance of the facilities, they too will be supported to develop specific plans for this activity by GEM U .

Detail the proposed expenses for your activity, such as accommodations, equipment, supplies, monitoring and evaluation, operations, personnel, project management, publicity, signage, travel, tuition.

Detailed Budget to be attached. But total cost of project would be $453,000 over a period of 3 years.

Describe the process for selecting these budget items. Do you plan to purchase any items from local vendors? Have you performed a competitive bidding process to select vendors? Do these budget items align with the local culture and technology standards?

The budget was constructed basing on the current ruling market prices of the items; this will be supplemented with the already existing standard guidelines developed by the Ministry of Education in Uganda for key infrastructure like boreholes and pit latrine. There is also a standard rates for government travel, day allowance and fuel cost guide by the ministry of finance and planning.

All items and services will be purchased locally

No bidding has been done yet, on the commencement of the project, a competitive bidding process for the supply of goods and services for the project will be undertaken. However for key contracts the district local government has already pre-qualified service providers that can be evaluated at the time of bidding for better outcomes.

How will the beneficiaries maintain these items? If applicable, confirm that spare or replacement parts are readily available and that the beneficiaries possess the skills to operate equipment.

The school management team will be responsible to maintain these items with guidance from GEM Uganda. I can confirm that all items have spare parts readily available on the local market.

Who will own the items purchased with grant funds at the end of the project, including equipment, assets, and materials? Note that items cannot be owned by a Rotary club or Rotarian.

The project exit plan will be developed in the initial project inception meetings and distribution of items of items will be discussed and agreed. GEM and its district chapter, the district and the schools will be the key beneficiaries of the property after the project .These will support in the project sustainability initiatives.


List all funding sources.

Have you identified a local funding source to ensure long-term project outcomes? Will you introduce practices to help generate income for ongoing project funding?

The project plans to promote cost effective approaches in menstrual hygiene management by promoting, GEM U already a model for training in making of local sanitary pads . The school club members will make these local pads sell to their counter parts at a fee and return buy more materials for making more pads.

The school community will be supported to plan and budget for WASH in general and with the support of the parents through the school management committee they will be able to finance some key WASH activities and facilities like Jericans for drinking water, tippy taps for hand washing .

Primary Host Partner

District: 9211

Rotary Club of: Kampala-Ssese Islands

Primary Contact: David Rogers Kintu

Email: davidkintu@yahoo.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

This project has been "Dropped". Check the history log entries to see why it was dropped.

Project listed for the 2015-16 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





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Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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History Log Entries


System Entry

Creation of project page.


System Entry

System Entry: Project dropped per lack of response to the carry-over notification emails.

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