
Kalangala District Literacy





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Uganda

Location: Kalangala District

Total Budget: $94,980

Area of Focus: Basic education and literacy


Humanitarian Project Application

In a few sentences, tell us your objectives for this global grant

• To improve access by primary school children to quality basic education through provision of textbooks and appropriate teaching aids

• To reduce primary school drop-out ratesin the district from 70 percent to 50 percent in 3 years

• To reduce the pupil to textbook ratio in primary schools from 1:7 to 1:3

• To improve the capacity of primary teachers to deliver quality basic education through provision of teacher guides and appropriate illustration materials

• To strengthen the teaching of science subjects in secondary schools by equipping the school laboratories with relevant equipment and chemicals

• To support Music Dance and Drama (MDD) and school sports activities throughprovision of basic sports and games equipment/kits and MDD materials in an effort to attract and retain pupils at school and ensure completion

• To supplement and strengthen existing district efforts in the delivery of valuable primary and secondary education

Who will benefit from this global grant?

• 7,119 primary school children

• 615 secondary school children

• 26 head teachers and 221bteachers of primary and secondary schools

• Parents of beneficiary children

• 2 district technical officers (Education Officer and Inspector of Schools)

• The district (by havingfewer dropouts)

Where will the project take place?

• In 23primary schools and 3 secondary schools in Kalangala District(Ssese Islands)

When do you think your project will take place?

• January 2015

What needs will your project address?

• Need to improve literacy and numeracy levels in primary schools

• Need for children to access quality basic education

• Need to attract and retain pupils at school thereby reducing drop-out rates

• Need to improve the capacity of teachers to deliver quality education

• Need to improve learning and teaching of science subjects in secondary schools

• Need to supplement and strengthen existing district efforts to deliver quality education

• Need to identify and nurture talent among school children in games/sports and MDD

• Need to add and develop positive effects of participating in sports and MDD to youth development

Where and how were these needs identified?

We conducted a community needs assessment in Kalangala District(Ssese Islands) where:-

• We visited 7 primary schools and 2 secondary schools in company of the District Inspector of Schools where we made personal observations and interviewed various stakeholders including school head teachers, schools directors of studies and school games masters

• We held interviews and had interactions/discussions with officers from Kalangala District Education Office, Kalangala District Inspectorate of Schools and Kalangala District Local Government

• We reviewed data, records and statistics provided by Kalangala District Education Office

• We reviewed records at the Ministry of Education and Sports and in Kampala

What community needs will your project address and how were these needs identified?

Found in Lake Victoria, Kalangala district (also called Ssese Islands) is an Island district composed of 84 islands of which 64 are inhabited with an estimated population of 64,000 people. The majority of the population in the district falls under low income bracket, and engage in fishing as the main economic activity.

The Rotary Club of Kampala Ssese Islands (RCKSI) carried out a community needs assessment in the district in July 2014. The findings of this study showed that the district has some of the worst education indicators in the country. Firstly, less than 28 percent of all school-age children are actually in school; only about 30 percent of the children recruited in P.1 actually complete P.7while the textbook to child ratio is as low as 1:7 (the ideal ratio is 1:1). Secondary, although the district's performance in national exams at PLE slightly improved in 2011 and 2012, it is still below the national average. Furthermore, the statistics on literacy and numeracy levels in the district as per NATU and NAPE reports are some of the lowest in the country, something they attributed to lack of appropriate textbooks and teaching aids. Besides, very few schools visited had equipment and kits for MDD and other co-curricular activities.

Moreover, due to its unique nature as an island and fragmented district, delivery of social services, incl. education services is both difficult and very expensive. The problem is compounded by the fact that the district is a hard-to-reach area and hence is unable to attract and retain enough qualified teachers. In fact, during the needs assessment we noted staff gaps in all the schools visited. Additionally, we found out that UPE allocations to the schools from Government is too little and often comes late.

Although the district has 23 Government-aided primary schools and 3 secondary schools, all of them are located on 10 islands leaving the remaining 54 inhabited islands without a single school. Besides, the wide catchment areas in some islands negatively affect access to education as some children have to travel more than 10km to and from school through unfriendly environments like forests. Aside from posing a big risk to the lives of these children, many school girls encounter sexual temptations along those routes. The needs assessment study discovered that even the few boarding facilities constructed with the purpose of serving islanders without schools and those children travelling long distances to and from school are not filled up because many parents cannot afford the boarding/maintenance fees and purchase of the necessary scholastic materials incl. text books. The devastating consequences of HIV/AIDS in the district (with a prevalence rate of 27 percent compared to the national average of 7.2 percent) have compounded the vulnerability of the islands communities.

Provide any relevant data or survey result


Details how your project will address these community needs

Based on the results of the needs assessment carried out in July 2014, and in consultation with the district education office, the district political heads and school head teachers, the following activities were identified to be supported by the proposed project:-

• Provision of assorted textbooks and appropriate teaching aids to primary schools to enable children access quality basic education and reduce drop-out rates. The plan is to reduce the pupil to text book ratio from 1:7 to 1:3

• Improve the capacity of teachers to deliver quality basic education through provision of appropriate teacher guides and illustration materials

• Support MDD and sports activities through provision of basic sports and games equipment/kits and MDD materials in an effort to attract and retain pupils at school and ensure completion. Research literature has also shown that in addition to enjoyment and improved physical health, sports and MDD play a primary positive role in children development, including improved academic achievement, greater personal confidence and self-esteem, fewer behavioral problems, stronger peer relationships, and learning the important life skills of goal-setting and time management.

• Strengthen the learning and teaching of science subjects in secondary schools by equipping the schoollaboratories with the relevant equipment and chemical supplies

• Facilitate the District Inspector of Schools to undertake the monitoring, supervisory and reporting functions of the project

RCKSI will oversee the project implementation. The club will sign a MOU with the District Education Office spelling out the roles and responsibilities of all the parties to the project.Besides, the club will assist the schools to obtain the necessary local government cooperation and support; and to develop and adopt a basic textbook management and accounting system. All the project materials viz. textbooks,teacher guides, teaching aids,laboratory equipment and chemicals, as well as sports and MDD equipment and kits will be sourced locally in Kampala by RCKSI in collaboration with the DEO/DIS office.The textbooks will be stamped with a Rotary logo and dressed in polythene covering to prolong their shelf life. The schools will be responsible for providinga reading area andlockable cupboards/premises for the safe storage of the project items. The schools will also beresponsible for generating/keepingM&E records, and for themaintenance, repair and replacement of lost/worn out project items. The District Inspector of Schools (DIS) will be the project's main contact person in the district. Besides undertaking regular supervisory visits to the beneficiary schools, he willprovide a quarterly report on the numbers, state and utilization of project resources.In this regard, he will be facilitated with a small enablement allowance.

How were members of the local community involved in the planning the project?


• seeking ideas and opinions from stakeholders, including district education officer, district inspector of schools, school head teachers, director of studies and teachers in charge of MDD and co-curricular activities

• provision ofdistrict plansand proposals byKalangala District Local Government leaders

• seeking guidance from school head teachers and district education officer on appropriate and relevant textbooks, teacher guides as well as equipment and materials for MDD and sports activities

• getting input from members of the PTA and the school management committees

Does your project align with any current or ongoing local initiatives?


• There is an ongoing local initiative by Kalangala Local Government, supported by partners to provide some textbooks and MMD materialsto Government-aided schools, but these efforts are hampered by inadequate funding. The project will supplement and strengthen these efforts

• Our Rotary Club routinely undertakes quarterly medical interventions in Kalangala district to supplement the district efforts. During one of these visits every year, the club also supports a few schools in the district with some scholastic materials and provides career guidance talks

Describe any training, community outreach, or education programs, if applicable, and who will conduct them. How will recipients be selected? Local council leadership

Sensitizing the school management committees and local council leaders to advocate and demand accountability on the use of the project materials and equipment

RCKSI working in conjunction with boththe district education office and district inspectorate of schools will conduct the sensitization

Areas of Focus

Basic Education and Literacy

How will the goals be met?

• By increased availability, access and utilization of reading materials (to be used both at home and in schools)

• By improving the capacity of teachers to deliver quality education through provision of teacher guides and relevant teaching aids

• By improving access by school children to essential scholastic supplies incl. laboratory equipment and chemicals

• By increased availability and utilization of equipment and materials for co-curricular activities and MDD

• By empowering& strengtheningthe existing district structures to deliver quality education

How will you measure your impact (involves choosing a measure, target, measurements method, and measurement schedule)?

• By improvement of text book to child ratio from 1:7 to 1:3

• By the increase in literacy and numeracylevels in the district

• By the improvement in the performance in national exams at both Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) and Uganda Certificate of Education levels

• By the reduction in school drop-out rates from 70% to 50% in 3 years

• By the number of teachers accessing teacher guides and teaching aids

• By the increased participation by schools in sports and MDD competitions at zonal, district, regional and national levels

Who will be responsible for collecting information for monitoring and evaluation?

The school head teachers, supervised by Kalangala District Inspector of Schools will generate and collect information for M&E. Besides, the district inspector of schools will carry out quarterlysupervisory visits to all the beneficiary schools to ascertain the number, condition, state and utilization of project resources


Global Grant Committee

Identify the Rotary club or district in the country or geographical area where the activity will take place (primary host sponsor) and a Rotary club or district outside of that country or geographical area (primary international sponsor). Each sponsor must establish a three-person grant committee and one individual on the grant committee must be designated as the primary contact

• Primary host sponsor - Rotary Club of Kampala-Ssese Islands

• Primary International Sponsor -to be identified

List the members of the Global Grant Committee

Primary host sponsor

• Rtn Edson Barigye (primary contact), Director Service Projects

• Rtn Henry Musisi, Club President

• Rtn Nelson Kabwama, Director Rotary Foundation

Primary International sponsor - to be identified

Cooperating Organization

List the name of the cooperating organization


Upload the memorandum of understanding between the primary sponsors and the cooperating organization in PDF format


Describe your process for selecting this organization. What resources or expertise will this organization contribute?



List any additional partners who will participate. This may include Rotary clubs, Rotaract clubs, Rotary Community Corps, or individuals

1. District Education Office

2. Kalangala District Education Forum (KADEFO)

Volunteer Travelers

International travel for volunteers is permitted for up to two individuals as part of a humanitarian project. These individuals provide training or implement the project should the host sponsor confirm that their skills are not readily available locally


Identify the responsibilities of the volunteer travelers and the specific tasks that each individual will complete


Upload a résumé or curriculum vitae, in PDF format, for each volunteer traveler


Upload a daily itinerary for the volunteer travellers. Include travel, training, and/or project implementation activities



Rotarian participation

Describe the role of the host Rotarians in this activity and list their specific responsibilities

• Assess community needs and plan the project

• Raise part of the project funds and oversee project implementation

• Manage grant funds and be in charge of the project on-site

• Develop MoU with Kalangala District Education Office

• Undertake project monitoring and supervision

• Assume project reporting, and maintain communication and dialogue with international partners and TRF for the life of the project

• Publicize the project in local media and through country and districtpublications, as well as ensure there is visible Rotary identification inthe project area

Describe the role of the International Rotarians in this activity and list their specific responsibilities

• Jointly plan the project with host Rotarians

• Mobilize project funds

• Maintain communication and dialogue with host Rotarians, home district and TRF through out the life of the project

• Publicize the project in the international media and at district and zone meetings

Describe the role that members of the local community will play in implementing your project

1. Kalangala District Local Government

• Provide political goodwill and support to the project

• Mobilize stakeholdersand Local Councilsto participate in the project, particularly at time of monitoring and handover

2. District Education Office

• Participate in project formulation

• Mobilize schoolsand involve PTAs andlocalcouncilsto participate in the project

• Provide technical support and supervision

• Maintain a good working relationship with Rotary Club of Kampala Ssese Islands

• Provide quarterly reports and financial accountability for enablement allowance

• Conduct Monitoring & Evaluation

• Convene and coordinate project review meetings

3. Beneficiary Schools

• Own the project and ensure that project supplies, materials and equipment arewell maintained

• Generate/provide M&E data/information

• Participate in project review meetings

What incentives (e.g., compensation, awards, certification, promotion) will you provide to encourage local participation?

• Will honor one community member that will offer the most outstanding/significant contribution/support to the project with vocational service recognition

• Will recognize and award the schools that will excel in sports and MDD competitions with prizes/trophies

Identify any individuals in the local community who will be responsible for monitoring outcomes and ensuring continuity of services

The District Inspector of Schools

How will you support these individuals to help them take on this leadership role?

We shall facilitate him with a small enablement allowance


Detail the proposed expenses for your activity, such as accommodations, equipment, supplies, monitoring and evaluation, operations, personnel, project management, publicity, signage, travel, tuition

The following budget is based on a students' population of 7,119 in 23 primary schools and 615 in 3 secondary schools

Item description Quantity Unit cost Total cost

(Shs.) (Shs.)

MK Maths Bks P.1-P.7 2,373 copies 15,571 36,949,983

MK Science Bks P.1-P.7 2,373 copies 15,142 35,931,966

MK SST Bks P.1-P.7 2,373 copies 15,000 35,595,000

MK English Bks P.1-P.7 2,373 copies 15,571 36,949,983

MK RE Bks P.1-P.7 2,373 copies 15,000 35,595,000

Assorted Teaching aids 23 schools 862,000 18,998,000

Sports equipment/kits 23 schools 500,000 11,500,000

MDD equipment/materials 23 schools 400,000 9,200,000

Assorted science textbooks 3 schools 7,000,000 21,000,000

Laboratory supplies 3 schools 8,175,500 24,526,500

Polythene sheeting 2,000,000

Facilitation of DIS for M&E 8 quarters 400,000 3,200,000

Total 271,446,432

Exchange rate 1US$ = Shs. 2,880/=, so the total project cost is US$ 94,252.23

Upload any documents, such as price bids or pro forma invoices, to support the expenses listed


Describe the process for selecting these budget items. Do you plan to purchase any items from local vendors? Have you performed a competitive bidding process to select vendors? Do these budget items align with the local culture and technology standards?

Al the materials and equipment were identified during consultations with district education office and school head teachers. All the project items are readily available and will be purchased from local vendors in Kampala. The uploaded pro-forma invoices were solicited from some of biggest and most reputable school supplies providers in Kampala. A competitive bidding process will however be adopted for the final purchases

How will the beneficiaries maintain these items? If applicable, confirm that spare or replacement parts are readily available and that the beneficiaries possess the skills to operate equipment

All the textbooks will be marked with a Rotary logo and dressed in polythene covering to protect them and prolong their shelf life. Besides being readily available in Kampala, all the project items will not require special skills to use or any spare or replacement parts. The schools will however take responsibility to ensure proper utilization, repair and replacement of the lost/worn out items. The DEO and DIS will enforce this requirement.

Who will own the items purchased with grant funds at the end of the project, including equipment, assets, and materials? Note that items cannot be owned by a Rotary club or Rotarian

The 26 schools (23 primary and 3 secondary) in Kalangala District


List all funding sources

• Host club (RCKSI)

• International partner club (to be identified)

• Districts of host and international partner clubs

• TRF will matchhost/international clubs' and districts'contributions

Have you identified a local funding source to ensure long-term project outcomes? Will you introduce practices to help generate income for ongoing project funding?

The project will be implemented through already existingdistrict education structures

Primary Host Partner

District: 9211

Rotary Club of: Kampala-Ssese Islands

Primary Contact: David Rogers Kintu

Email: davidkintu@yahoo.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

This project has been "Dropped". Check the history log entries to see why it was dropped.

Project listed for the 2015-16 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Kampala-Ssese Islands (9211)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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Go to the administration page to upload documents.

Project Photos

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History Log Entries


System Entry

Creation of project page.


System Entry

System Entry: Project dropped per lack of response to the carry-over notification emails.

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