The Kinondo Secondary School is located 55km South of Mombasa, in Kwale District, Msambweni Division. The school is run by a PTA (Parents Teachers Association) headed by a chairman.
The Kinondo Secondary School was started in May 1999, following a request from the local community for a need of a secondary school in the area. The school serves 12 surrounding primary schools with an estimated 450 students. Before Kinondo, the nearest secondary school could only absord 90 students, thus leaving 360 students without a school.
Currently, the school has 70 students. There are 4 teachers, 1 employed by the government, the others by the PTA.
The school currently has 3 completed classrooms build by the Rotary Club of Kilindini, and one incomplete classroon constructed by the school development commitee. It also has 1 toilet, 60 desks, 10 tables (intended for the lab equipment), 40 seats, 3 boxes of textbooks.
The school needs some lab equipment in order to qualify for the certification of secondary students, according to government standards.
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