
Rotary Park Enhancement





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Seward, AK

Total Budget: $10,000

Areas of Focus: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention, The environment

Activity Type: Community Development: Construction/Renovation

Summary: Enhancing the Rotary Park Pavilion as an environmentally themed fish and wildlife viewing area for residents and visitors, with interpretive art, signs, and a trail in Seward, Alaska.

Area of Focus: Protecting the Environment, Peace

Activity Type: Community Development: Construction/Renovation

Summary: Enhancing the Rotary Park Pavilion as an environmentally themed fish and wildlife viewing area for residents and visitors, with interpretive art, signs, and a trail in Seward, Alaska.

Project Description: We wish to make Rotary Park a recreational destination that attracts and inspires residents and visitors to learn more about Rotary and protect the environment with this three-year project.

In year one, we will enhance the Pavilion to create a more attractive wildlife viewing/picnic area with three pieces of dramatic local art and three artistic signs. The Pavilion will also house new Rotarian Memorial plaques.

In years two and three, we will improve access by creating a 350'-500' trail from the main street that develops and promotes pollinator habitats and add additional benches.

Worldwide, Rotary is just sustaining or losing members, and many people do not understand who Rotary is or what we do. Climate change and other environmental issues have also spurred a new focus area to "protect the environment". Climate change is affecting our Alaska habitats and economies. This topic also appeals to younger people we hope will consider Rotary membership.

Although on a beautiful lagoon containing salmon spawning habitat and lots of birds and other wildlife, the Rotary Park Pavilion is in an out-of-the-way location, and is unknown to many residents and visitors. It has received some vandalism and needs maintenance and care.

Enhancing the park could meet the following needs:

• Promoting understanding of Rotary and inspiring new membership, especially with younger people.

• Inspiring people to take simple actions to protect their environment.

• Creating a free recreational destination for residents and visitors that is inclusive, fun, inspiring, and educational while helping the local economy.

• Enhancing and promoting the protection of salmon, wildlife, and pollinator habitats.

Phase 1- 2022- $23,200- Design and install three pieces of environmentally themed art @$15,000, three signs @$2300 with local art @$4000, up to 4 memorial plaques @$280, install solar lights @$120, repair picnic table and remove graffiti @$3000, survey land @$500, submit required permits @$1000 and prepare trail design.

Phase 2- 2023- $25,000- Develop a public recreation trail up to 500' long from Third Avenue to Rotary Park.

Phase 3-2024- $13,100- Increase visitor capacity and enjoyment with two Pavilion benches @ $4000, 2 trail benches @$1400, additional art, outdoor binoculars @$4000, pollinator gardens and boxes @$3000, sculpture garden @$500, fishing line box @$100, and Make a Wish to Rotary Box @$100. Partner with local schools, community members, and other organizations.

Rotarians will solicit, evaluate and select art, plant flowers, and trees, create and install habitat boxes and other boxes, and assist with trail development.

Cost of Project (Phase 1): $26,200

District 5010 Funding: $9170.00 (35%)

Seward Rotary Funding: $17,030.00 (65%)

Addendum to Project Description (added after the project was signed)

Rotary Park Enhancement Addendum

In 2022 we requested this district grant P-4187 (Rotary Park Enhancement) with the following budget:

Cost of Project (Phase 1): $26,200

District 5010 Funding: $9170.00

Seward Rotary Funding: $17,030.00

This project included Pavilion maintenance, three signs, metal art, and Rotarian memorials.

We received a $5000 grant from the district and adjusted our club match to $5000, bringing our project funds to $10,00 rather than $26 200. We needed to adjust our project to reflect the new budget.

In addition, costs had gone up since our proposal, and the costs of art we had been quoted increased from $15,000 to $40,000. This was due to increasing material costs but primarily to a new innovative idea for a moveable metal whale that had not been previously considered.

With our $10,000 budget, we determined we could do maintenance and graffiti removal, create two interpretive signs and a new gazebo sign, and create two new picnic tables made from recycled plastic lumber. We also installed a floating bird roost.

We plan to do the metal art still but to do this in Phase 1B (2023) after soliciting additional funding.

In Phase 1A (this grant proposal), we created an RFP for artists, got quotes, and selected artists for our sign graphics and metal art. The local artist we selected proposed three pieces of metal art. The first includes an interactive moveable whale ($27,5000) that would be placed on the old boardwalk pier supports and moved with a ship's captain's steering wheel attached to a driveshaft in the Pavilion. The additional art would be two triangular pieces in the Pavilion roof structure.

To fund the art in Phase 1B, we have applied for other grant funding, including a second district grant (P-4619- Rotary Park Enhancement- 1B). We have already received a $2000 grant from the Seward Community Foundation.

Grant Amount Requested Received

Seward Community Foundation $10,000 $2000

KMTA $10,000 Under review; find out early to mid-May

Rasmuson $25,000 Under review; find out early May.

District 5010 $9000 Under review

Project Contact Person

District: 5010

Rotary Club of: Seward

Primary Contact: Mary Ann Benoit

Email: mbenoitak@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2022-23 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Seward (5010)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Mary Ann Benoit

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Mary Ann Benoit

System Entry: Project signed by Mary Ann Benoit.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Matt Cope.


by Paul Paslay

The Grants subcommittee proposed reduction of the DDF requested, from $9,170 to $5000. The club agreed. The club also asked that the club contribution be reduced from $17,030 to $5,000.


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Signature Process cancelled by user.


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Project reverted to "Published".


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Mary Ann Benoit.


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Project signed by Matt Cope.


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Paul Paslay

It has come to attention of Grants subcommittee that the incorrect Rotary Year is listed for this project. It needs to be changed from RY '21-22, to RY '22-23. In order to do so the signature process needs be cancelled, the change in year made, then the signature process restarted.


by Debra Mason

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Mary Ann Benoit

Sign art is complete. Draft signs will be completed on 5-4, and the review process for signs with Rotary and partners will occur in the next 2 weeks. Picnic tables will be delivered within 2 weeks. Pavilion maintenance is scheduled to occur in the next 2 weeks. Plaques for picnic tables have been ordered. We received notification that we will be awarded another $5000 district grant to help with the next stages (completing metal art and land survey). All things are on schedule to complete this project on time.


by Mary Ann Benoit

System Entry: Final Report signed by Mary Ann Benoit.


System Entry

System Entry: Final Report signed by Matt Cope.


by Mary Ann Benoit

System Entry: Final Report signed by Mary Ann Benoit.


System Entry

System Entry: Final Report signed by Matt Cope.


by Paul Paslay

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

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