
Functional Literacy Project





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Africa

Country: Uganda

Location: Kihihi, Kanungu District

Total Budget: $175,000

Areas of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment, Basic education and literacy

The community to benefit will be Local communities, Primary /secondary school Pupils/ students and vocational schools students in Kihihi-Kanungu located in the southwestern Uganda,appx.490km from Kampala city. This place is cool mountainous area charicterised by high birth rate, high rate of school dropouts, Low education standards, early pregnancies and high domestic violence. People living in this area are dominantly Bakiga tribe.

1.Community needs that have been identified:-

-Lack of adequate institutional latrine facilities.

-Education/Job mismatch.

-lack of sanitary pads for adult school girls.

-Inaccessibility to loan facilities for new graduates to start business.

-Lack of dual qualification training center (Vocational Collages).

-Lack of persons with disabilities access to education facilities (No ramps provided on

class rooms)

-Lack of/Inadequate school furniture/desks for pupils/students in class rooms.

-lack of porridge at school (low balanced diet)

-Lack of teaching aids

-Lack of scholastic materials e.g. books, pens/pencils text books, computer sets etc

-Lack of Incinerators at Girls Latrine facility

2.How are these needs are currently being addressed with local resources and/or government agencies, NGOs,etc:-

-Latrine facilities are being provided by government through SFG but inadequate where pupils/students have to wait for a couple of minutes to access latrine facility.

Government has come up with computer training in a few institutions as but students do not get any document to show whether that person graduated in the same discipline as dual qualification.

School facility grants have tried to put class rooms but no furniture/desks provided

The rest of the needs as identified in the community have not been handled at all.

3. Proposed activity including the needs served, the intended beneficiary, and the potential benefits to the community.

Functional Literacy Project (FULP) will help boost Government efforts and other patterns in education both at community and institutional levels by:

• Advocate for dual qualification so that if one graduates as a teacher from the University he/she has another skill which was acquired alongside the formal training. E.g. computer science etc. This will reduce education /job mismatch create more opportunity for employment and eventually reduce levels of poverty.

• Sensitise the communities on Functional Literacy as the major strategy to fight Ignorance unemployment, Disease and hunger and conflict

• Train pupils/students on good education chain focusing girl child retention in schools, dangers of early pregnancies and STIs/HIV AIDS infection.

• Provide six 5stance Incinerated Latrine facilities to 6 school giving first priority to schools that cater for the vulnerable children. This will help improve institutional sanitation and hygiene, reduce girl child school dropout, reduce the rate at which the Girls latrines get filled up and eventually reduce ill health amongst the pupils/students being served.

• Provide hand wash facilities to 25 primary schools and 10 high school and 4college as demonstration for pupils/students to copy and take the message to their homes and at the same time improve on hygiene and sanitation.

• start a children's center in Kihihi Town council where school drop outs /street children can be rehabilitated/counseled to become good future citizens This will create good Rotary image in the community and reduce on theft and idleness of youths in the community

• Empower 2 vocational education schools for pupils/students who fail to join high/tertiary school in order to reduce on unemployment and conflict in the community.

• Empower micro-Projects for vulnerable children's families/Guardians for sustainability of the project; through micro-finance

• Procure 1projector set as teaching aid

• Provide desks and other scholastic materials to 5 schools which provide basic education to vulnerable children. This will fight psychosocial torture for pupils/students who sit on dusty ground while in class and will reduce on the cost of washing soap.

• Donate T-shirts labeled with Rotary log at front and keep the environment clean at the back to 1000 students in ten schools

• Every donated tool/Equipment or material shall be marked or labeled in the right manner

• Provide sanitary pads to Pupils/students in upper primary and high school in 10 schools.

• Provide porridge for break to 5schools for a start which accommodate children in boarding vulnerable at school. This will help boost nutrition of the pupils/students and improve on academic performance in class.

4.List of cooperating organization(s) or educational institutions involved in the proposed project.

-Ministry of Education and sports

-Kanungu District local Government Education department

-Bishop Comboni Collage

-Kihihi polytechnic college

-Bwindi Watoto School

-Kihihi Town Council Local Government.

-Kihanda Technical institute

-St. Teresa Girls College Calcutta

-Kihihi High school

-Kihihi Teachers' Training Collage.

5.How the benefiting community will be involved in the activity (ies):-

-The communities will provide land e.g. for construction of latrine facilities

-The communities will adequately attend all education sessions conducted

-Kihihi Town council will provide Land for Children's center.

-The interacts in these schools will be involved in the distribution of sanitary pads to the rest of the girls

5.How the activity (ies) will address the goal(s) of the area(s) of focus.

- Providing hand wash facilities will break the 4Fs cycle and therefore prevent diarrheal diseases and helmethic infestations.

-Empowering dual qualification will provide opportunity for competitions of Jobs in the labour market for the young graduates hence empower their economic status.

-Providing scholastic materials, porridge and desks will enable vulnerable children attain basic education and prevention of infections which are caused by overcrowding e.g. TB

-Providing sanitary pads and good latrine facilities will enable girl child retention in schools and prevent genital infections.

-Provision of projector will expose students to different education and literacy slides from different area and communities

-Sensitising local communities on functional literacy will enable the community member understand the benefits of basic education and the dangers of retaining children at home while scaring vermin.

-Donation of T-Shirts will arose peoples' attitude towards clean environment and creates good rotary image among the students and the entire community at large

-Support to teacher training collage will help produce quality teachers in order to attain excellent academic performance.

12. What will be the immediate and long-term outcomes of the activity (ies)?

IMMEDIATE OUT COMES: -Availability of Incinerated latrine facility completed.

-Availability of porridge.

-Provision of projector.

-sanitary pads received

-Children's center completed.

-Training and sensitisation sessions conducted and attended.

LONG TERM OUT COMES : -Creation of awareness and good Rotary image in the community

-Prevention/control of disease, infections/infestation amongst

Students/pupils in schools and institutions

-Children of Kihihi-Kanungu attaining basic education

-Young graduates getting employment and conduct business

-Attitude and behavioral change of the students and the entire

-Community members towards basic education and literacy

-Girl child retention in schools

- Rotary club Membership growth and retention.

13. Explain how all involved parties will act to ensure the sustainability of the activity (ies).

-Education department will adopt the measures for continuity.

-The community development Department will adopt measures and continue with community sensitisation.

-Kihihi Town council local government will adopt the children's center and put in an income generating project in order to pay for water bill electricity bills and to exempt it from property tax.

-Solicit for donors to provide sanitary pads after and by then the guardians will have changed their attitude towards provision of sanitary pads to their girls.


Proposed start date: December 2012

Proposed completion date: December 2014

6. PROPOSED BUDGET in US$ 175,000

a. Medical supplies _________

b. Training materials _________


a. DDF Amount in US$

b. Rotarian Cash Amount in US$ _____________

c. Additional Outside Funding in US$ __________

d. Requested TRF Match in US$ ______________

Primary Host Partner

District: 9211

Rotary Club of: Kihihi

Primary Contact: Bukwirwa Henry

Email: hbukwirwa@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

This project has been "Dropped". Check the history log entries to see why it was dropped.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





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Remaining Amount to Raise

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Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

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History Log Entries


by Conrad Heede

Creation of project page.


by Conrad Heede

System Entry: Project dropped per lack of response to the carry-over notification emails.

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