
Revitalize Picnic Shelter





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Ketchikan, AK

Total Budget: $10,000

Area of Focus: Economic and community development

Activity Type: Community Development: Renovation

Summary: Revitalize Picnic shelter for the Historic Ward Lake area for community of Ketchikan and Visitors

Ward Lake picnic site is located in the Tongass National Forest and accessible by road on Revillagegedo Island in southern southeast Alaska. In the 1930's the Ward Lake area was a popular recreational area for the residents of Ketchikan. During WWII the Ward Lake CCC camp became the wartime home for Aleuts from Akutan, Biorka, Kashega, Makushin and Nikolski. Ward Lake holds a lot of history for our community. Today Ward Lake area provides local families and visitors alike a place to relax, picnic, fish, hike, camp as well as other recreation opportunities. This is used heavily twelve months a year.

This particular picnic shelter was constructed by Ketchikan First City Rotary in the 1990's and is now in need of renewal due to heavy rains, winds, and use after almost two decades. Our community gets an average rainfall of 160 inches a year. Having a covered picnic shelter is imperative for families to get outside and enjoy nature. This past winter there were many winter storms that brought lake water onto the floor and around the post of the picnic shelter. The roof is in ill-repair and the picnic tables are in need of replacement. The fireplace also needs to be revitalized.

Rotarians will be involved in all aspects on the renewal project from planning and fund raising to completing the project. First City Rotary will also partner with key community partners such as the American Legion, University of Alaska welding class, US Forest Service and community professionals to magnify the club and district funds.

The hope and vision of this project is to "Be a gift to the World' and to our community. Upon completion we will send a PSA along with photos to the local newspaper. Thank you for your consideration.

Project Contact Person

District: 5010

Rotary Club of: Ketchikan (The First City)

Primary Contact: Susan Bethel

Email: sbethel@kpunet.net

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2015-16 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Ketchikan (The First City) (5010)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


System Entry

Creation of project page.


System Entry

Project is now "Fully Pledged".


System Entry

Project sent for club signatures.


System Entry

Project signed by Susan Bethel.


System Entry

Project signed by Steve Rydeen.


System Entry

Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


System Entry

Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Susan Bethel

Revitalizing Ward Lake Picnic Shelter for Ketchikan First City is in progress and on target. When weather permits the club will be in full force moving to revitalize the Shelter. Rotarians and Community workers are volunteering materials and equipment and man power. The signage (branding) will be redone or repaired and horse shoe rink will be added.


by Susan Bethel

Project nearly finished...see pictures


by Susan Bethel

The project is nearly finished. One more phase and then collection of bills.


by Susan Bethel

The Ward Lake Revitalize Picnic Shelter is finished. Rosie Roppel has uploaded photos and the cancelled checks and final report. We will add the pictures of the bike racks soon.


by Rosie Roppel

The Ward Lake Revitalize Picnic Shelter is finished. Rosie Roppel has uploaded photos and the cancelled checks and final report. We will add the pictures of the bike racks soon


System Entry

Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


System Entry

Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

© 2010 Philippe Lamoise - Website design by Philippe Lamoise, D2G Online