
Family Maker Creator Project





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Escndido, CA

Total Budget: $6,000

Areas of Focus: Peace and conflict prevention/resolution, Basic education and literacy

Activity Type: Education: General

Summary: Project provides funds for materials to develop a family collaboration for at risk families at 2 elementary schools




Project Description:

Juniper and Felicita Elementary Schools serve low income populations in Escondido.

• Juniper: 750 students, 78% free lunch, 11% reduced lunch, 89% Hispanic, and 66% English Learners.

• Felicita: 780 students, 84% free lunch, 12% reduced lunch, 94% Hispanic, and 70% English learners.

A significant number of children are "at-risk" due to poor attendance, high discipline rate, lack of family participation, and family gang affiliations.

This grant will recruit 25 "at-risk" families at each school and provide an evening opportunity for the students and families to work together to create products, solve problems, and overcome challenges in a collaborative environment that will inspire students to become participatory learners, and to uncover their talents and interests.


• Connect "at-risk" students and families to schools and learning in an engaging way.

• Provide opportunities for students and families to solve problems together and improve communication and interactions.

• Provide opportunities for students a family member to connect and puzzle through a problem that does not have an instant solution

• Involve Rotarians in working with students and families


14 evening sessions for students and family member will be scheduled throughout the school year at each school (total of 28 sessions). Each session will be carefully designed to achieve specific objectives in learning and collaboration

Flier will be created by school to attract families

Families will be identified, recruited and encouraged by school staff

Gift cards donated by local markets will be offered to families who attend 12 of the 14 evening sessions

Anticipated Outcomes:

Improved student achievement and behavior

Improved parent attendance at conferences, Parent Workshops, & Open House

Improved English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Parent Survey Data

Enrichment Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) / Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) goals met

Improved family communication & connection to school

Outcomes Will Be Measured for Success in the Following Ways:

Attendance & participation data

GL NWEA data Fall Winter Spring

Discipline data (for special invitees)

Survey data - e.g. Multiple Intelligences self assessment / edutopia

Project Costs:

Teacher and staff costs paid by school - estimated at $1800 per school

Storage carts, space, snacks provided by school estimated at $500 per school

Cost of gift cards donated by local business - estimate at $2000 per school

Cost for supplies and materials paid by Rotary - $3000 per school

Example of materials:

• "Take Apart Cart"

• LittleBits Student Sets

• Lego Large Creative Brick Box

• Erector Junior 150 Piece Bucket

• Lakershore Arts/Crafts Supply Center

• Other tools TBD

Project Contact Person

District: 5340

Rotary Club of: Escondido East

Primary Contact: Robin Rowland

Email: robin1938@cox.net

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2015-16 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Escondido East (5340)









Project Supporting Documents

Feicita receipts

Felicita report

Final Report

Juniper receipts

Juniper Report


Project Photos

There are no photos yet for this project.
Go to the administration page to upload photos.

History Log Entries


System Entry

Creation of project page.


by Marge Cole

You must complete the signature process (on Description page--Click on "Administration"). The Club President and Primary Contact must sign off on this grant application. To include both of these people, go to the "History Logs" page and add them at the bottom of that page. These are the only two people who need to sign--do not check anyone else on the signature list.


System Entry

Project sent for club signatures.


System Entry

Project signed by Robin Rowland.


System Entry

Project signed by Jim Wiese.


by Marge Cole

Escondido East has two District Grant applications on the website; this one (asking for $3000. matching DDF) and P-999 which is asking for $1000. in DDF match. Clubs may only receive up to $3500. in matching DDF. The Club board needs to decide which grant is funded and how much is asked for a match.


by Marge Cole

District Grant application P-1035 was approved by the D5340 Rotary Foundation Committee at its August 2015 meeting. The Committee approved a match of $3000. in DDF to match Club funds for this project


System Entry

Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


System Entry

Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Robin Rowland

After some delay in getting the supplies, both schools have started their Family Maker Nights. Sessions will be twice weekly in April and May Invites are going out to Rotarians to participate in one or more event. I have requested receipts for my final report in May.


by Marge Cole

The Completion and closure of this grant was due on April 1, 2016. For more information on How to Complete Your District Grant, go to the District Webpage and click on Grants under Rotary Foundation. You will find a document on how to close your grant and a Final Report form. Your Club cannot receive additional grant funding until this grant is closed. Even though this grant may not be completed until May, it is important you close it promptly after the project is complete. Thanks


by Robin Rowland

Both projects started in March and the reports are now uploaded. The materials and supplies will be used next year for both schools due to the success of the project this year. The schools are scheduled to give a presentation to our club on June 10.


by Marge Cole

This Grant Completion was due on April 1, 2016. Refer to this website for How to Complete your grant: http://rotary5340.org/SitePage/trf-grants A Final Report for the grant is due. Club will not be funded for any grants in the 2016-17 Rotary Year until this grant is completed.


by Marge Cole

Your Club is reminded again to complete this grant for Rotary Year 2015-16 if you wish to apply for any grants in 2016-17. See previous History Logs for how to do this

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