
August 4, 2013: I love working with the website. I'm sure you have heard the accolades many many times over, but I too THANK YOU for the site. It's terrific, and saves folks like me TONS of time and work. THANK YOU.
>> Harry J. Charm, DGSC District 5320

July 17, 2009: Just wanted to let you know we were able to upload our project, find a partner and file our application smoothly and swiftly! Great job and thank you!
>> Vikram S. Puri, Rotary Club of Pune Riverside, District 3131

March 6, 2009: Because of the visibility we got through matchinggrants.org, we were able to successfully fund our project D-1258. The Sedro-Woolly Rotary Club in Washington State saw our request and provided the remaining funding.  In fact, rather than the 3-4 wells we expected to fund, we were able to fund 5 wells. It really works!
>> Bill Korstad, Rotary Club of Denver, District 5450

January 15, 2009: Congratulations for a great web site. I have my self been project coordinator for 3 matching grants which we have successfully completed. Your web site is a wonderful resource for Rotarians across the world to work together. I wish you all the best and I really admire your efforts and hard work. May God bless you and Rotary.
>> Jayant Deodhar, Rotary Club of Pune Kothrud, District 3131

November 1, 2008: Thanks for your news letter! I really appreciate your Matching Grant Website. What an enlightenment! It has made this matching grant business an exciting and pleasurable endeavor! I thought joining Rotary and assisting a high school and director's vision with funding would be simple and easy. Not! 1-1/2 years later I have to say your website has kept me from throwing in the towel from total frustration and lack of knowledgeable support. Well done, and thanks!
>> John Johnson, Rotary Club of Hanford, California, District 5230

September 2, 2008: Excellent site to look for partners across the world for international projects. Every district should project their matching grants and manage their grants through such software.
Thanks PDG Philippe! this great site has been helping me find partners much faster and make life long friends.
>> Dr Aruna Tantia, Rotary Club of Salt Lake Metropolitan Kolkata,
West Bengal, India, District 3291

June 2, 2008: What an amazing website... excellent starting point for many of those Districts who are sitting on their DDF...and wondering! I urge the 532 District Governors to see the immense scope of service throughout the world channeled by Rotarians and just open up their DDF.
>> Rtn Major Donor V. Rajkumar, Asst Governor District 3201, India

May 5, 2008: I wish to commend you on the innovative idea behind this excellent website. For Clubs seeking matching grants as well as Clubs seeking Service projects this is an ideal platform. Kudos to you and your team for this pioneering initiative. I chanced on this through Google search. There is a need to make this information available worldwide. Maybe there should be a link on the Rotary Website. Keep up the good work.
>> Rajpal Duggal, Rotary Club of Delhi Chanakyapuri (India), District 3010

April 27, 2008: What an incredible service you've provided. Although I've developed many contracts with clubs in Mexico, your list gives me many more. [...] This information will be very useful as I've been asked to be the MG Committee Chair for the 2008-2009 year. A common excuse from clubs is that they don't have any contacts or know how to find them. Your list will solve that problem. I will contact my fellow Rotarians in Mexico and make them aware of this service.
>> Ralph Felix, Rotary Club of Roseville, District 5180

February 9, 2008: This is a great site offering ample opportunities to clubs worldwide to strike friendship with other clubs with service intentions. I have used it to post five projects in one rotary year and four of them are underway. Incredible! Kudos to you Sir. Hope many people start using it to make a differance in the world.
>> Dr Aruna Tantia, Rotary Club of Salt Lake City, Calcutta, District 3290

January 13, 2008: This site really takes the mystery out of Matching Grants. Great job! Now we all can share our projects and passion!
>> PDG Marty Peters, district 5340

January 13, 2008: This is very informative and will be of immence help for clubs through out the world to identify the partners for any Matching Grant project. Furthermore this is the fastest way to build up a total project for TRF to consider a Grant application with all details.
>> Rtn C R Suryanarayan, District 3200

December 17, 2007: Thank you for the help that you have provided to those of us in D 5300. This will be a breakthrough year for us. There is a spirit of mutual support that had not previously existed with our Clubs. All of this is very healthy.
This website has been invaluable for training, posting, implementation, and management at the District level. There is much more I could say. The bottom line is that you have made a difference for people, who have either benefited from the projects or benefited from the opportunity to help others in need.
>> Robert Novell, District Foundation Chair 2006-09, District 5300

December 4, 2007: I just noticed on the matching grants website that you created it. I write to thank you for a job well done. As a newbie to matching grants it is a wonderful tool for all Rotarians.
>> Brad, district 5300

October 17, 2007: An excellent site that not only broadcast opportunity for international cooperation, but also greatly simplifies communication between matching grant prospects and partners. I was also impressed by the speed of responses to questions.
>> Stephen Sypula, Rotary Club of Stevenage Grange, District 1260, www.roisight.org

April 12, 2007: What a great site it’s a bit like (matching grants for dummies) simple and to the point. Kudos to you.
>> Alfred, district 3300

December 17, 2006: I have used your website as the best channel in advertising Humanitarian Projects and your contribution to this fantastic website is GREAT ! I hope clubs in several districts are posting their projects request.
>> Mario Yee, Rotary Regional Foundation Chair 2004-07, Zone 21

December 17, 2006: I have found this site great to identify projects around the world amd then start communicating with them after identifying our intentions.
Great job to bring both rotary clubs together for a great cause!
>> Manny Sethi, Rotary Club of Goald Coast Lake Sucess, District 7250

December 15, 2006: Your website is doing a tremendous job in making clubs meet together for doing such meaningful projects and also enhancing World Understanding & Peace in the process!
>> Capt. Vivek Jain, Rotary Club of Central Calcutta, District 3290

December 15, 2006: Excellent advice. I am counting on [our District Matching Grants Coordinator] to make sure that we use www.matchinggrants.org procedures as a tool to manage our commitments to TRF. This procedure will be valuable to all.
>> PDG Martin Limbird, District 6560

December 5, 2006: Have you ever checked out www.matchinggrants.org? It is the brainchild of DG Philippe Lamoise whom I have met in Copenhagen as well as twice at Projects Fairs in West Africa. We used this incredible web-based tool to screen possible Matching Grants to consider at the recent Accra Projects Fair held in early November.
I find the web-based organization of the Matching Grants information to be exceptionally easy to use, a huge improvement over the database available on the RI website.The site is maintained by Philippe's district for the benefit of Rotarians world wide, but It is not yet fully appreciated.
>> PDG Martin Limbird, District 6560

October 26, 2006: Shown [here] is software for posting potential grants, providing a centralized location for Clubs to use in identifying potential grants and making commitments, and finally coordinating the grant application writing process. This software was developed by Philippe Lamoise, the current District Governor for D 5340. We will begin to implement the use of this software in D 5300 this year for our matching grants. I thought you might enjoying looking at this remarkable software.
>> Robert Novell, District Foundation Chair 2006-09, District 5300

October 10, 2006: Your site is wonderful and much easier to use than the information on TRF site. Thank you for taking the continuing time it takes to accomplish such a task.
>> Barb Maves, Matching Grants Chair, District 6560

August 11, 2006: I have visited your website and find this one of the best tools available for Rotarians world wide... Rotary Clubs which have no contact with other Rotary Clubs in our Rotary Family have now a way to meet people /clubs to help them and read about their clubs specific needs.
See link on the Rotary Club of Taksin-Pattaya website: www.rotary-pattaya.org.
>> Peter Thorand, Rotary Club of Taksin-Pattaya, District 3340

July 31, 2006: Thanks for your wonderful presentation on Saturday and your willingness to help our District to be a part of this process.
>> Arnie Dowdy, District Foundation Chair 2006-09, District 5240

December 5, 2005: I am highly impressed with all that you have done [and] I congratulate you. I will be sharing with others of our Rotary Foundation Team so they can take advantage of the good work you have done. Good to see that you have made available your site to help get Matching Grants to all the world of Rotary to give help in finding partners.
See link on Frank's website: www.frankdevlyn.org (crawling ticker on top).
>> Frank Devlyn, RI President 2000-01, Chairman of The Rotary Foundation 2005-06

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